Page 16 - 預言系列
P. 16

exams and otherwise prepare to go to the         們百分之百都表示將來學成後,一定返國
United State. The pressures on children          為國家效勞。但事實上,據美國大使館統
and young people to pass the exams from          計,歷屆留學生中,只有百分之七的學生
one stage to the higher is so tremendous that    (其中大部份為本省青年)其他的學生早
failure at any point often induces despair and   就忘了他們出國前的諾言,從不返國。他
even suicide. Of those that win in the           們設法逃避美國移民局的規定,一年年地
obstacle race and finally apply to the U.S.      住下去,直到取得美國公民權為止。這種
Embassy for a visa, 100% affirm their            現象對青年人的愛國心與榮譽感而言,都
intention of returning to their native land and  是很難堪的。當然,在美國的中國留學生
give an undertaking to that effect. We are       們,只要他們願意放棄自己的祖國,想在
told by the U.S. Embassy that their records      一個不屬自己傳統的社會裏混日子,甚至
show that only 7% (nearly all natives of the     樂不思蜀的話,像他們那樣的聰明才智,
Island of Taiwan) return while 93% breach        是會很有成就的。以上的事實,都是教育
their word and never return, evading the U.S.    制度唯物主義化所產生的惡果。此種草率
immigration authorities from year to year        的教育制度加重了社會上世俗而實利的風
until they achieve citizenship. This is a        氣,使唯一能轉移人私利之心而對神與公
very bad record either for the honor of          義的觀念,竟慘遭摧殘。如果我們只是口
China’s young people or fro their patriotism.    頭上承認神,但同時又否認輕視至高的神
There is no doubt that being bright and able     為人的主宰,或不承認人應對神有服從的
as they are they can make a success in the       責任,那麼後果將與無神論一樣不堪設
U.S. as they abandon their own nation and        想。這樣,我們將永不能消滅囂張冷酷的
amalgamate with a society not their own by       馬克斯無神論者的共產主義了。
inheritance and prosper in an economy that
neither they nor their fathers have had
anything to do with building. But such is
the result of a crassly materialistic system of
education that aggravates the secularism and
materialism of society and stifles every
concept of God and righteousness which
alone can turn the evil human heart from its
bent to self, self, self. Even if there is
lip-recognition of God while His
Sovereignty over the human heart is denied
or ignored and human responsibility to obey
Him is discounted, the result is just about the
same as open atheism and will never check,
let alone conquer the blatant and ruthless
atheism of the Marxsts.

The regaining of the mainland is not to be       光復大陸的神聖使命,決非僅靠宣傳即可
accomplished by propaganda. It will have         完成,它必須由那些秉有高超理想的青年
to be accomplished by young men imbued           們來達成,他們既用勇敢而又不怕犧牲,
with a high and holy purpose who fear not        因為他們知道死後的歸宿。前面已經說
death because they know where they are           過,無神論、唯物主義和世俗主義的教育,
going after death. We have shown above           只能使青年逃避自己對邦國之責,拋棄祖
that the education of secularism, mate ialism    國而不顧。這樣一年年下去,到後來勢必
and atheism only produces a crop that wants      難以尋找「新血輪」,為光復大陸而努力。
to run away and leave their own nation to its    然而解決臺灣的大專師資的問題,亦是一
fate, so much so that it is almost impossible    件急待解決的問題。那些有名望的老教授
to find any “new blood” for the faculties of     們,他們為了生活,又不得不到處兼職,

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