Page 18 - 預言系列
P. 18
young Chinese are moved by to rush to the 另外一點使熱愛中國的美國人士感到大惑
United States. 不解的是:像中國這樣一個在政治經濟上
Another baffling problem that we Americans 如此激烈反對馬克斯主義,如此尊敬古代
wh0o love China are confronted with is why 聖賢的國家,竟會接受杜威的教育理論,
Free China which is the most consistent 杜威堅持宗教教學應該從教育中剔出,並
anti-Communist country on earth and 主張我們應與過去的教育制度完全脫離。
opposes Marxsim in the political and 凡有理智的人都會看出,在血統上杜威是
economic spheres so vigorously and which 馬克斯的兄弟,在論調上,他們相得益彰。
reveres the wisdom of the ancients, has
accepted the principles of John Dewey in
education which insists not only upon
complete elimination of religious principles
from education but demands a complete cut
from the past in every line of instruction.
The wise observer will see that Dewey, so to
speak, is a blood brother of Marx and that
their theories entirely correspond.
When the Dewey doctrine was accepted in 當杜威的教育學說初為中國與日本教育界
both Japan and China, Japan was very 接納時,日本政府曾禁止在教會學校或受
drastic in its actions and harshly forbade 教會支持的學校中,教授宗教課程。但同
Christian teaching of any kind in schools 時,在中國就更高明多了。雖然公立學校
entirely founded and supported by Christian 也禁止有宗教課程,但教會學校可以選課
funds and largely manned by Christian 方式教授聖經;同時,學生也可以參加禮
teachers. China, on the other hand, was more 拜,唯一的條件是:一切均須出乎自由。
tolerant. Though forbidding all religious
teaching in government schools, courses in
Bible were and are allowed t be taught as
electives and religious services have been
permitted in Christian schools. But they
are required to be strictly voluntary in
Very recently, Japan has made a very starling 但是,近來在日本已有了急劇的改變。日
change. Their government has now decreed 本政府以經准許,為着適應教育的需要和
that any academic institution that meets 獲得教會團體的支持,大專院校可以自由
educational requirements that can show that 教授宗教課程,而且政府當局也承認此種
it has been founded and a supported buy a 課程的合法性。日本人似乎發現了一個事
religious organization can give instruction in 實,就是很多領受過宗教課程的美國大專
religious subjects as it sees fit and receive 學校之畢業生,對於社會的貢獻,往往要
full recognition. It would seem that they 大過於那些同等的公立而非宗教學校的畢
have finally discovered that there are 業生。
hundreds of such colleges in the United
States whose graduates make a better
contribution to society then those of secular
or government schools on the same level.
The present Premier of the government of 現任行政院長並最近獲選為副總統的嚴家
the Republic of China, (recently elected to 淦和前任院長俞宏鈞兩位先生,都是畢業
the vice-presidency) as was the one before 於上海的教會學校(上海聖約翰大學),而