Page 14 - 預言系列
P. 14

The total culture of the East and of the West    但整個東西文化正是建立在杜威先生所要
was erected upon the very things that John       積心破壞的基礎上,那就是 - 對上帝的
Dewey was out to destroy - God-                  認識,以及公義、高貴、勇敢和不自私。
consciousness, righteousness, nobility,          馬克斯主義和杜威主義卻企圖用自我表
courage, unselfishness, which Marxism and        現、唯物論、享樂主義和假科學,來取代
Deweyism have substituted self-expression,       這些。
materialism, pleasure, pseudo-science.

They have denied to the youth any sense of       他們誘惑青年,否認人類對造物主有任何
obligation on the part of human beings to        服從的義務,甚至懷疑神的存在。同時他
their Creator or that He even exists. They       們還嘲笑善有善報、惡有惡報的觀念。老
ridicule the idea of the future reward to the    師們以教條和例證教導學生,使學生們只
righteous or punishment for the wicked.          知道在生活上滿足自己的慾望,除此之
Both by precept and example such teachers        外,別無其他目的,所謂人生幾何,去日
inculcate the idea into the young that there is  無多,我們盡性享樂吧 - 自我,自我,
no other purpose in their living than the        一切都是自我。
gratification of their own desires: that they
will not be here long so they must extract out
of this life all that they possibly can - self,
self, self, ALWAYS SELF.

We have shown above how the destructive,         由上所述,我們已清楚地看出:杜威、馬
materialistic philosophies represented by the    克斯和達爾文等具有毀滅性的唯物論思
names of Darwin, Marx, Dewey were sown           想,如何地在一個優美、強盛、肥沃而敬
into a fine, strong, solvent, God-fearing        畏神的美國播種,這些思想侵入了所有公
America and that they have taken over            立的學府 - 只有少數私立基督教學術機
practically the whole area of public             構,孤獨地收拾殘局。此外,我們也曾經
education-only private Christian education       說明,這些有害的種子,如何地在美國掀
being left to gather up the remnants. We         起了邪惡、罪行(成人與少年犯罪)、淫亂、
have shown how these noxious seeds have          貪污和不道德的風氣。
produced the whirlwind of sin, crime (adult
and juvenile), debauchery, corruption and

Now we see exactly the same things being         直到目前,我們再度看到完全相同的種
brought forth from exactly the same seeds in     子,不幸又在中國產生同樣的惡果,無疑
Free China. The regulation that denies           地杜威的中國信徒們有意制定法規,拒絕
government recognition to any school that        那些以道德和精神教育作為必修課程的學
makes moral and spiritual instruction a          校申請立案。這些法規的制定,顯然受了
required part of the curriculum was              杜威的無神論和反宗教的教育學說之影
undoubtedly put there by men of the Dewey        響。從前在中國舊式教育制度下,學生們
tradition and infected by his theories of        讀聖賢書,從來不知何為「太保」「太妹」,
godless and anti-God education. Under the        從前在大陸上,教會所辦的小學、中學和
older system of Chinese education in which       大學林立,也沒聽過所謂太保太妹這名
the youth were taught in the precepts of the     詞,但在現在的台灣,卻沒有人不知道太
sages, no one would have even understood         保太妹是什麼意思。尤其太保一詞,通常
the expressions “T’ai Pao” (太保) and “T’ai        都是指一些在家庭、學校、和社會上不守
Mei” (太妹). Nor were those expressions            法制的少年。這些無賴和廢物們,稍一不
current in the days when the mainland of         慎,即越出法律界限,成為無惡不作的犯

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