Page 19 - 預言系列
P. 19
his immediate predecessor, were both 該校就是一所沒有獲准政府立案之大學,
graduated from a great Christian institution 但該校的其他畢業生,對於國家與社會都
in Shanghai, which was unrecognized by the 有其出色的貢獻,甚至比那些已立案之學
government. Many other graduates of the 校的學生,表現得更好。
same institution made their mark in China,
perhaps even better than the church-related
colleges that were accredited.
This writer has been enabled to establish two 筆者曾先後創辦兩所學院,一為理工學院
institutions of higher learning in Taiwan: one (中原理工學院)、一為文理學院(基督書
a school of science and engineering and the 院)。前者已立案,後者則否。這兩所學院
other a college of liberal arts. The first is 雖屬私立,而且是由熱愛中國的美國基督
registered and accredited. But though a 徒募款成立的,但其目的卻在於協助推展
private institution and founded entirely with 中國的教育計劃。這些美國教徒希望成立
funds contributed by Christian people in the 一所學校,像美國各大學一樣,不但可以
U.S. who love China and wanted to help the 教授最新大學課程,而且又能傳授宗教的
educational program of this land. They 真理和道德。但很不幸,他們的這種願望,
wanted an institution of higher learning that 碍於中國教育法令而無法實現;按照中國
would be like hundreds of schools in the 教育法令,宗教課程必須與一般課程分
U.S. that give fine academic instruction but 開,而其有關宗教的集會或學科,也不得
intertwine it with strong teaching in religious 列為必修課目,或不得強迫學參加。這樣
truth and the moral precepts that proceed 一來,學生們很可能在教會學校讀書,四
from it. But the desire of the founder and 年內學習了很多專門知識,然而卻忽略了
of the donors has been thwarted by the 宗教或倫理學科。在此,必須迫切加以補
regulation requiring that religious subjects 充,中原理工學院學生,自動參加宗教活
must be divorced from the regular 動的反應往往在平均以上,然而那些熱愛
curriculum and attendance at classes or 中國青年而又主張宗教與教會應合而為一
gatherings where religious instruction is 的美國基督徒捐獻者,若是知道了基督教
given must be made strictly voluntary and 教育在此地一而再,再而三地受到干涉與
elective. That makes it possible for a 阻止之後,他們會深感意外而失望的。
student to come to a college founded with
Christian funds and receive instruction many
subjects while ignoring and by passing all
religious and moral instruction for his whole
four years. We hasten to add that the
voluntary response in that college is well
above that average, but the impact and
influence of these all-important things is so
fragmentary that it almost amounts to a
betrayal of the donors.
For this reason we have not so far applied 為了這個緣故,到目前為止,基督書院尚
for registration or accreditation for Christ’s 未向政府申請立案。為要使這所學校在西
College of Liberal Arts which we hope to 方與語言和純粹科學方面,成為臺灣最好
make the best school of western languages 的學府。因此,基督書院目前排出的各種
and pure science in Taiwan. For the former 外語課程(注意外國語文基礎,而非近代
we are already well on our way with courses 語文),其中包括法、德、日、拉丁、希臘
in Chinese, a variety of courses in English 等語言課程,後兩種在我們臺灣的大專學
(which is regarded as a basic language and 院,尚未有過。至於其他課程,也都與美
not a modern foreign language), French, 國教會大學的課程標準極其相近。學生必