Page 15 - 預言系列
P. 15

China was covered with Christian primary          人或不良份子。大多數太保或太妹都是出
schools, middle schools and even many             自上等家庭的子女,他們的家長平時也教
colleges. But these words are all too             導他們怎樣做人,只是家教往往被學校的
familiar today in Taiwan, especially the          不良風氣沖淡了。目前各學校中很少比中
made from and used to describe youths who         國固有道德教導學生的,事實上也沒人注
are lawless in their homes, in their schools      意到這一點,即使偶而有些教會中的學生
and in society, wastrels and indolent at best     工作者,設法幫助他們,但仍無法遏止這
and when it is carried a little further they      股強大而邪惡的潮流。當然大多數學生都
become criminals and incorrigibles, guilty of     是良好的,絕對不會墮落到這一地步。他
every kind of crime. Many even come               們有良好的家庭教育,他們舉止嚴謹、行
from respectable families who have perhaps        為端正,不為外界所引誘。可惜,沒有誰
given them some moral instruction which           去以「為天地立心」「為大能者服務」的徵
has been stifled in the immoral atmosphere        言大義去教導他們,他們唯一激勵自己和
of their schools. There they receive no           自制的方法,乃是為他們的自我利益着
sober instruction in the ancient ethics of        想。嚴格說來,自我利益對有雄心的人是
China, and no one cares about them along          一種偉大的動力,它或許是人類努力的唯
this line except a few Christian student-         一動機,無疑的,自我興趣在現世中能促
workers who try to minister to them, but          成許多偉大的事業,但正因它在本質上是
cannot possible stem the tremendous tide of       以自我為中心,故往往本身含有導致腐敗
wickedness. Of course, there are many             和毀滅的因素,這是坎坷人生的定則。只
nice students that do not fall in this category   有在信仰中從神所領受來的超然力量,才
at all. They have good home-training, are         能鼓勵人「有所為」與「有所守」。
serious students and behave themselves
reasonably well and are not absorbed by the
lawless elements. They are not taught any
obligation whatever that they might have to
a Higher Power and their only incentives and
their only restraints are those of their own
selfish interests. Even self-interest accurately
comprehended is a great discipline for the
ambitions and becomes practically the sole
motive for all human endeavor. There is no
doubt that it accomplishes tremendous things
in the material work, but because it is
essentially egocentric carries within itself the
seeds of its own decay and destruction.
This is the invariable way of the fallen
human race and only the supernatural power
of God in vital faith can provide another
urge for being and doing.

There is a consuming desire in all parents in     目前一般學生的家長們都有一極不正確的
Free China, with which their children are         想法,他們用這種想法來教育子女,告訴
very early inoculated, that every young           他們的子女,一個青年人「必須」到美國
person MUST go to the United States. And          去。現在的學生從幼稚園到小學、中學、
from kindergarten to primary school, from         以至大學,無不忙於考試,否則即忙於出
primary school to junior middle-school, from      國。而一關關的考試,對學生的壓力實在
junior middle-school to senior middle-            太大,如果不幸失敗,後果令人失望,甚
school and from senior middle-school to           至自殺。至於那些在障礙賽跑中獲勝,終
college. From college all move to take            於通過美國大使館簽證考試的留學生,他

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