Page 12 - 預言系列
P. 12

dressing of modernity and scientific             於取消了一切對宗教的重視,以致敬拜神
inventions and material prosperity, is directly  的良知和道德責任感,無由產生,而宗教
traceable to the elimination of all religious    亦不免於政令的干涉。
emphasis that would produce God-
Consciousness and moral responsibility and
the complete secularization of public

The process began with Horace Mann, an           首先創始此一辦法的是何芮斯滿因,他是
eminent American and an enthusiast for           美國著名的州辦教育提倡者,被尊稱為「美
state-controlled education. He has been          國中等教育之父」。在美國獨立後的最初五
called by some “the father of secondary          十年,他開始從事於教育工作,最先在麻
education” in the U.S. His impact upon the       薩諸薩州,後來又到俄亥俄州。他曾經前
field of education began about a half-century    往歐洲,研究德國普魯士的教育制度,當
after the nation became independent and his      時的普魯士教育,受濃厚的非宗教和唯物
career starting in Massachusetts continued in    論潮流影響很深。滿因將這種影響和他所
Ohio. He went to Europe and studied the          喜愛的哲學,一起介紹到美國中等教育
education system of Prussia in Germany           中,且逐漸普及全國,他在一八五九年去
which was highly regimented and heavily          世,那時正是哲學家杜威誕生的年份,杜
weighted with the non-religious and              威後來對美國教育,產生十九和二十世紀
materialistic approach. This influence Mann      以來空前的大影響 - 但都是壞的。杜威
brought back and introduced into American        的教育哲學和他提倡的方法,不但在美國
secondary education and the philosophy           嚴重地損害到知識的傳授,同時也對其他
which he advocated gradually spread over         國家的教育制度,發生惡劣的影響,尤其
the nation. He died in 1859 and in that          是中國,首當其衝。民國八年和民國二十
very year was born a man by the name of          年,杜威曾先後兩度來華,在北京大學講
John Dewey who grew to wield an influence        學,並且吸引很多中國青年前往美國哥倫
over American education to exceed that any       比亞大學深造。因此,他的激進的教育學
other man either the 19th or the 20th centuries  說,如同在美國一樣,也廣泛地為中國學
-ALL BAD. His philosophy of education            術界所接受。由於篇幅的關係,本文不便
and the approach and methods that he             對杜威的教育哲學作一深入的研討。
advocated not only did serious damage to the
impartation of knowledge in the U.S. but to
other countries of the world as well,
especially China. On two separate occasions
(1919 and 1931) he lectured for a year in
Peking University and he drew many
Chinese students to Columbia University in
New York. Thus his radical theories were
widely accepted by educational leaders in
China as in the United State. Lack of space
here forbids any extensive review of
Dewey’s educational philosophy.

We can only mention the major premises           此處,我們不妨談談杜威思想的主要前
from which he proceeded; and which bear          題,這是本文所要討論到的宗教與教育的
upon our present discussion of Education         關係。
and Religion.

First we must understand that Dewey was an 首先,我們要知道杜威是一位無神論者,

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