Page 11 - 預言系列
P. 11

formidable that the flood of corrosive          動搖。但是,政治本體若發生了弊病,這
influences and destructive philosophies that    巍然大廈,縱使外表仍是矗立天際,而實
have come in have not yet been able to          際上卻已難保不走上毀滅之途了。從前美
topple it. But the body-politic is sick and     國為要保持超然的強盛,拒絕捲入任何軍
the great edifice, though externally still      事盟約,可是今日,美國卻和八十多個國
imposing and apparently powerful, is far on     家締有同盟,對外援助也已遍及全世界每
the road to decay. The nation once powerful     個角落,而國家預算依然保持平衡,財政
in its aloofness and refusal to be involved in  也穩定如故。羅斯福總統當政時,美國曾
entangling alliances, in a balanced budget      欠國債一百七十億美元,但當他逝世時,
and sound fiscal policies is now entangled      美國國債已達二千億美元以上。此後經過
with about 80 nations and our resources have    杜魯門、艾森豪、甘迺迪等歷任總統,美
been sprayed world-wide. When Mr.               國的國債繼續增加到三千億,同時,擁有
Roosevelt came into power there was a           二百萬以上的聯邦工作人員。為了供應政
national debt of 17 billion. When he finally    府用於對內對外的耗費人民負擔的賦稅之
was removed from the presidency by death        重和多,已近似搶劫的程度了。但是,美
the nation already owed over 200 billion.       國在科學造詣上的確有了驚人的進步,各
This was increased through the                  種發明確實是在不斷地推陳出新。然而現
administrations of Presidents Truman,           在美國亦正瘋狂地流行着一種追逐享樂的
Eisenhower and Kennedy to just over 300         潮流。淫亂、敗壞、無恥、犯法和罪惡,
billion with 2 million and more federal         蔓延於美國各城市與各級學府之中。據官
employees. Now it is up 324 Billion.            方統計:少年犯罪與一般罪行,每年增加
Many and monstrous taxes are loaded on the      百分之十二,而種族的仇視,竟是在政府
citizenry, sometimes almost confiscatory, to    的大廳堂上,被當作政治賭博一樣地公然
meet domestic and foreign squandering. In       地被煽動起來的。一度為人尊崇的美國最
the midst of a vast increase in knowledge of    高法院,枉為法律的維護者,由於依法解
science and amazing discoveries and             釋的太專門化而且太繁多,犯人一時不易
inventions, there is a wild chase after         領悟,使得執法機關為之束手,至於曲解
pleasure as debauchery, corruption,             憲法,而攻擊宗教,則更進而把最後一點
immorality, crime and general lawlessness       - 對神的信仰,也從學校中截除了。
stalk our cities and institutions of learning.
Official statistics show that juvenile
delinquency and crime are growing at the
rate of 12% per year. Racial antagonisms
are positively fomented in the halls of
government as a political gimmick and the
once highly-honored Supreme Court of the
United States now instead of being the
defender of law, has loosened the hand of
law-enforcement agencies by a multitude of
legal technicalities that have made it almost
impossible for criminals to be apprehended
and by perverted interpretations of the
Constitution have made war on religion and
ruled out the last vestige of recognition of
God from our schools.

We have no hesitation in saying that this       我們毫無猶豫地說,這個大國之所以會可
dreadful deterioration of a great nation and    怕地墮落,乃至整個將為之解體,不管如
the crumbling of its structure of greatness,    何巧妙地被飾詞解釋為近代文明,科學進
though camouflaged by a lot of window-          步和物質繁榮的代表者,淵其緣由,實由

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