Page 9 - 預言系列
P. 9

America and distinguished additions made in      教與倫理概念等,美國早期的高等學府,
the field of letters, and again highly seasoned  如哈佛、耶魯、普林斯頓、達特樸斯等大
with religious and ethical concepts. The         學,都是為了傳揚與保守基督信仰而創立
early schools of higher learning Harvard,        的。其後,哥倫比亞大學,也為了同樣的
Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth were conceived        目的而設立。事實上,在美國早期輝煌的
in and for the Christian faith and established   日子裏,各階層的教育皆以基督教教育為
for its preservation and propagation.            基礎的。換而言之,從小學到大學畢業,
Columbia University established later was        都接受宗教教育的薰陶。即使非宗教課
declared to be for the same purpose. In fact     程,亦以基督信仰為前提。
in the early days of America’s glory, all
education on any level was Christian
education. That is to say that pupils as well
as being instructed in academic subjects,
were given religious instruction, and the
non-religious subject were taught from the
premise of Christian faith.

The Constitution of the United States was        美國的憲法是在祈禱中產生的,而且被公
born in prayer and is recognized to be           認為是自摩西十誡以來,人類所締訂的最
greatest instrument for human government         完美的典章。在早期,美國憲法使美國成
since the law of Moses, and in its early         為自古代以色列人以來最接近於政教合一
stages the nation was the closest thing to       的國家。二十世紀中美國的奇蹟,乃是財
being a theocracy since the days of ancient      富和權勢等多方面所獲得的驚人成就,但
Israel. The miracle which is America in the      這些都是神賜福而產生。神所賜予美國的
20th century, with its amazing advancement       這些格外的恩惠,乃是由於美國人的祖先
in every area of wealth and power could not      對神的崇拜與順服的直接結果。所以在今
have been but for the mighty blessing of God     日,凡有良知的美國人,無不對此深切感
upon it. The unique favor of God that has        恩,然而美國人對那些無神論的社會主義
thus come upon us is a direct reward for the     與共產異教徒之流,卻是絕不恭維的。這
obedience to Him of our founding fathers         些無神論者腐蝕美國的教育制度與政府組
and the honor and worship that they              織,蓄意破壞美國祖先所留下的神聖遺
rendered to Him and for which men of good        產,他們更蓄意地否定而且歪曲美國的史
will are deeply grateful in our own day. We      實,並且敗壞美國的立國之基 - 基督教
owe no thanks to the horde of atheistic          信仰。
socialists and communist-leaning infidels
that infest our nation, our educational
institutions and even our government, who
are laboring to destroy our godly heritage,
deny and pervert the facts of our history and
corrode the foundations of the nation.

The study of history should not merely           為了使我們比祖先們更有智慧,研究歷史
satisfy out curiosity about people and events    時,我們不應僅為了滿足對過去千百年史
of past centuries, but should teach us many      實和人物的好奇心,更應該尋覓歷史的因
laws of cause and effect as they are tested in   果律。然而這因果律今日正嚴格地遭受着
the crucible of TIME, and thus make us           「時代」的考驗,但受考驗的結果事實上
wiser than our fathers. But is does not          我們並不比我們的祖先更有智慧。人類雖
seem to have that result. Humanity with all      有輝煌的文化成就,實際上看來並未從歷
of its brilliance and variety of attainments     史中學得任何教訓。我們眼看着我們的時
dose not seem to learn any lessons at all        代,犯着我們同樣的大錯,遭受同樣可悲

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