Page 17 - 預言系列
P. 17
existing colleges on this Island. All of the 這實在是教育倒退的跡象,如果留學生只
older teachers with standing and reputation 是因為能在美國賺錢,便不願回國,那麼,
teach in 3 or 4 institutions, which is a serious 在青年人中,又有誰願意到大陸去與共匪
drawback to educational efficiency. If they 拼命呢?
will not come back to teach in colleges in
beautiful Taiwan because they can make
more money in the U.S., how many young
men can be found who will be willing to
face the bullets of the Communists on the
We have often wondered why the 我常奇怪,何以中國政府對於每年大批青
government of the Republic of China seems 年放洋,竟視若無睹,政府每年都發給護
to view the great exodus of its young people 照准許大批青年出國,實際上將來只有少
every year with equanimity, and to grant 數青年學成返國,國家無形中損失了許多
passports for them to leave to go abroad in 英華之才。到目前為止,政府始終未設法
such large numbers as to deplete the nation 制止此種無以補償的人才外流之患。雖然
of the cream of its educated youth, only a 留學生出國之前曾受過軍訓,但對反共復
tiny minority of which every return. No 國的神聖使命整體而言是毫無用處的。這
effort ever seems to be made to stop this 與從前在大陸上,男女留學生學成後紛紛
gigantic leakage of man-power which can 返國貢獻所學的情形,完全不同。現在的
never be retrieved, even though the 留學生在離開「自由祖國」之前,早就打
government has put them through a period of 算「遺棄而且不顧自己的國家了」,根本不
military training which is also completely 準備回來,更不關心國家需要他們與否
wasted. It is not as it was years ago on the 了。可是在另一方面卻有一奇怪的情形,
mainland when young men and women went 很多美國的基督徒,寧願離開他們生長的
abroad to study and largely returned to use 美國和家人,毅然來到自由中國。他們前
the fruits of their study to benefit their own 來中國決非妄想有所「得」,而是決心為中
nation. When the young people leave the 國人民「服務」,他們熱愛中國人民超過其
shores of Free China now, they are 本國人民之上。這是基督信仰的力量不容
THEIR OWN NATION with no intention of 為此一信仰鞠躬盡瘁,死而後已。
returning, and that in the hour of its great
need. It is a strange phenomenon that
many Christian Americans are willing to
leave their native United States and their
homes and their people and com to Free
China, NOT to gain or to get but to give and
to serve and show a love for China that
exceeds that of her own people. This is an
undeniable proof of the power of Christian
faith in which they have been taught and to
which they have yielded.
This is not true of those Americans who 當然,那些奉美國政府的命令,或為某種
come at the orders of the U.S. Government 私人目的而來華的美國人,確該另當別
or for private gain. They are largely products 論。他們大部份都是美國唯物教育政策下
of the materialistic education that has 的產物,他們來華所懷的動機,正與中國
engulfed most of the United States and are 青年紛紛赴美的動機不相上下。
impelled by exactly the same motives as