Page 20 - 預言系列
P. 20

German and Japanese, plus ancient                 須參加聖經和宗教哲學的課程,作晨禱和
languages of the West, Latin and Greek. The       崇拜儀式。此種教學方式,不但可實現中
last two are not taught by any other college      國古時宗教與學問合一的傳統,而且與美
in Taiwan. A wide range of other courses          國早期的「一切學校都是教會學校」的教
parallel the curriculum of standard liberal       育制度也相吻合。基督書院的學生與陽明
arts religious colleges in the Unite States. All  山中國文化學院的學生極其相似,一律住
Students are required to attend classes in        宿。這是因為住宿以後,可使學生專心讀
Bible and religious philosophy and to attend      書,不致受都市的喧噪所影響,同時,又
early morning prayers and Divine worship          可節省學生的時間,多讀一點書。
services. This carries out the ancient Chinese
tradition wherein religion and learning were
completely identified and also that of early
America when all schools were religious
schools. All students are required to live in
the college as in the fin “College of Chinese
Culture” located on Yanmingshen. This is
to avoid diverting their minds from scholarly
pursuits by the confusion and din of city
streets and the colossal waste of time by
students going back and forth to and from

The purpose of this paper is to appeal to the     本文的目的,就是希望政府不要對一個維
government not to withhold recognition of         護中國固有傳統並認為宗教與教育不可分
an institution of higher learning because it      割的高等學府,拒之千里而外,而不准其
holds to the age-long Chinese tradition that      向政府立案。宗教與教育分離的主張,乃
religion and morals cannot be eliminated          是來自杜威無神論教育體系,而這種體系
from education as recommended by the              不幸已被許多國家的教育當局所接受。我
atheistic system advocated by John Dewey          們已說過,西方教育的最佳傳統,在於把
and unfortunately accepted by education           宗教和道德與一般知識合而為一。當杜威
authorities in many countries. We have            學說在很多國家中產生無形災害之際,而
tried to show that the best traditions of         這種良好的傳統,目前大部份仍能保存,
Western education were to closely identify        該是件值得為之慶幸的事。
religious and moral instruction with general
impartation of learning. We are glad that
very much of this still survives in spite of the
inroads of Deweyism which we have shown
to have wrought untold damage in many

If the government of Japan which has              日本政府一向嚴禁學校教授宗教知識,但
historically been much more hostile to            是在一般學術課程符合規定標準的原則之
religious instruction in schools can come, as     下,尚且決定而且已經掃除此種限制,那
it has, to complete tolerance in this area,       麼向來寬大為懷的中國政府,為了未來青
provided the quality of instruction in the        年和國家利益着想,似乎亦應採取日本的
usual academic courses is up to standard, it      同樣政策。因此我們虔誠請求,只要其他
would seem that the government of the             條件符合政府規定標準,政府應該承認並
Republic of China which has always been a         允許此一學校立案的申請。
bit more lenient could adopt the same policy
to the great good of its young people and

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