Page 21 - 預言系列
P. 21

consequently to the whole nation. We
therefore make the earnest appeal that
schools founded and supported by funds
donated by religious people, if otherwise up
to standard, should be accorded full
recognition and accreditation.

It is, furthermore, our hope and purpose to     為此,我們希望能聘請大批有才能的外國
life the quality of instruction fully to the    教授,以充實本學院和研究有關的科學,
level of similar schools in the United States,  數學並外語方面的教學,提高其課程的水
by bringing in an increasing number of          準,並使其達到一般美國大學的水準,如
competent western teachers for science and      能做到這點,大學畢業生再也不能以國內
mathematics and foreign-language courses        學校教學設備不夠為藉口,而紛紛出國留
on the under-graduate and even on the           學後而學留了。同時,又可以緩和英才外
graduate level. This should remove the excus    流的趨勢。
for leaving the nation to study abroad
because of inadequate instruction here and
reduce somewhat the torrent of leakage in
desirable personnel who desert their own
country and run abroad not just to study but
to live permanently.

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