Page 23 - CC Life 15 2016 Spring
P. 23


class really sufficient and helpful to our children?  descendants for God’s purposes. It may be hard
How much time do our children spend in public        for Taiwanese to imagine, but two universities
education? If we are going to be honest with the     established by house churches have not been
Lord, how many parents have led their children to    recognized by the government of Mainland China.
worship and pray to God at the end of each day, to   Yet we see God’s hand in this.
balance what they have been taught through secular
education?                                             I would really like to encourage believers
                                                     in Taiwan to reflect on the mission and the
  I admire the way Taiwan has preserved Chinese      commandments Christ gave us when He told
culture and tradition. I also admire Taiwan          us to “make disciples…teaching them to obey
for being a democratic country. With so much         everything I have commanded you.” (NIV) I would
freedom in Taiwan, can we apply what they have       urge churches to put aside difficulties and build
learned there to the broader Chinese culture? Can    education that centers on our Lord Jesus Christ.
education based on Christian values renew and        From the perspective of the Bible, we should
redeem Chinese culture? Are churches in Taiwan       respect our governments and their authorities.
aware of our mission in education? Do we need to     From a church history perspective, churches also
educate the churches about this need?                have the right and obligation to educate, and it is
                                                     the responsibility of the parents to carry out this
  During the Cultural Revolution, many precious      education for their children. From the Bible we
Chinese cultural values and traditions were          learn that kings received advice and suggestions
abandoned in China. Even though the believers        from the priests and prophets. However, looking
in China now are like sheep without a shepherd;      at our current public education, we know it’s a
the land is full of opportunities because it lacks   product of nationalism, not a system that has been
the Chinese traditional baggage and even its         informed by the Bible.
dictatorship. Right now, there are more than
one hundred Christian schools registered with          Christian education doesn’t mean we add a
the Chinese Christian Education Association.         Bible course to our curriculum. It means we teach
There are also a lot of people who participate in    according to the truth from the Bible and God’s
Accelerated Christian Education. God has raised      will. We are to prepare our descendants to be
up a Christian education movement which I believe    disciples. I truly hope that Taiwan will also begin
is different from both the movement of 1949, and     a Christian education movement. May Christ’s
from the private schools in Taiwan. This Christian   College Taipei be used to move more churches to
movement will last longer and help us prepare our    establish education that is centered on Christ.

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