Page 5 - CC Life 13 2015 Spring
P. 5

Developing Job Related Skills
through Practicums in the

Christian Liberal Arts College

Dr. Quentin Nantz

  This issue of CC Life magazine focuses on the              “We don’t produce these leaders (that is the
benefit of long term projects, practicums, internships      work of the Holy Spirit), but we can encourage
and extra-curricular activities. These activities form     this potential by reminding ourselves and each
an integral part of a Christian liberal arts education,    other that all of our students, whether they
particularly in developing skills that employers value     possess faith or not, are fashioned in God’s own
in our graduates. A recent Gallup-Purdue University        image. As image-bearers of the Creator, each
study of college graduates revealed that the level of      student is worthy of respect and is deserving
support students received and the experiences they had     of the challenge to manifest his God-given
while in college had more effect on their engagement       talents to the Creator’s glory. Each student is
at work and their well-being after graduation than any     God’s gift to his school and to his teachers. The
other factor (Ray & Kafka, 2014). The study found that     image-bearers of a creative God are themselves
the type of schools these college graduates attended --    creative by nature; so creative thinking needs
public or private, small or large, very selective or less  to be encouraged, directed, and shaped, not
selective -- mattered little. What really mattered was     stifled.”
having a professor who cared about them as a person,
made them excited about learning, and encouraged             Jeffrey Selingo, the author of College
them to pursue their dreams. Also important were:          Unbound: The Future of Higher Education and
having an internship, practicum, or job in college         What It Means for Students says, “Employers
where they were able to apply what they were learning,     want workers who have the ability to learn how
being active in extracurricular activities, and working    to learn. In other words, the capability to find
on projects that took a semester or more to complete.      the answers to the questions of tomorrow that
                                                           we cannot envision asking today.” One way to
  One of the reasons that Christian Liberal Arts           help students develop these skills is to give them
colleges, like Christ’s College, hire Christian faculty    the opportunity to participate in internships,
and staff is to ensure that students are cared for as      practicums, field work, and community-based
people who are created in God’s image. As Littlejohn       projects. One example of such a program is
and Evans (2006) have stated,                              the College Unbound program at Southern
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