Page 130 - 2021 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 130
Annual Library Assessment Report 2021
1 您對於圖 9 您對於
書館整體服 「紙本圖
務的表現… 書」的館…
8 您對於圖 4.0 2 您對於圖 16 您對於 10 您對於
書館各種文 書館內外部 圖書館所提 3.82 3.84
宣推廣資… 3.85 4.05 環境整… 供的音樂… 3.61 及報紙」…
7 您對於圖 3 您對於圖 15 您對於 11 您對於
書館所舉辦 3.96 3.72 書館整體硬 圖書館所提 3.72 3.75 「電子資
的圖書館… 體設施的… 供的傳播… 源:電子…
6 您對於圖 3.84 3.95 14 您對於 12 您對於
4 您對於圖
書館所舉辦 3.81 書館人員的 圖書館所提 3.79 3.71 「視聽資
的圖書利… 服務品質… 供的英文… 3.79 料」的滿…
5 您對於圖 13 您對於
書館所舉辦 圖書館所提
的新生導… 供的通識…
九、2020 年圖書館週活動於 12/01-12/18 舉行,其中 12/1-12/3 與淡江大學跨校合作,完成
VR 展-虛擬實境體驗與專題演講,並邀請淡江大學資圖系林信成教授演講『淡水記憶、
虛實策展』,演講影片:。共有 30 位參加開幕式,62 位
師生參與 VR 體驗,28 位師生參加專題演講,此次圖書館週與淡江大學跨校合作活動,
然非常受學生歡迎,配合服務學習學生昨為傳愛小天使,共寄出 174 封卡片與小禮物。
另外,校慶當日莫麗思會館開幕-圖書館週加場活動,舉行 VR 海報展及郵寄傳愛活動,
並贈送每位來賓圖書館週紀念品及禮物,共有 87 位來賓前來共襄盛舉。
The LIBWEEK of 2020 was held from December first to December 18. During Dec.1-3
Tamkang University had the cross school cooperation with us, introducing VR to students
and staffs by experience VR system and speech. We have invited professor Sinn-Cheng Lin
from Tamkang University Department of Information and Library Science for the sharing
speech. Speech video:
30 people joined the opening ceremony, 62 students and staffs experienced VR system, 28
students and staffs joined the speech sharing. The cooperation with Tamkang University
gave our students and staffs major benefits.
Although many students were not able to join the Tamkang University event, the library
held another activity that everyone can easily participate. This activity was about sending
mails to the people you love, and with the helps from the service learning students we have
mailed 174 mails and presents in total.
On the other hand, the opening ceremony of Morris Hall was held on the Founder’s day of
our school. We’ve hold the VR poster exhibition and the love mail activity during the