Page 127 - 2021 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 127
Annual Library Assessment Report 2021
此外,於 Google Analytics 統計分析中指出,圖書館網頁 2020 年瀏覽量共 10776,其中
第一名是圖書館首頁,第二名是電子書,第三名是圖書館週;圖書館 2020.10-12 因電子
峰 564、第二高峰 408、第三高峰 309(一天之內),絕大部分都是推廣電子書使用造成。
According to the statistics of Google Analytics, the total views of our library website in 2020
was 10,776. The rank of the highest three pages were home page, e-book and LIBWEEK; Due
to the introduction and promotion of our e-book and LIBWEEK, 2020.10-12 was the time that
our home page achieved the highest views. The rank of the highest three days was 564 views
per day, 408 views per day and 309 views per day. Most of them were affect by the promotion
of e-book.