Page 128 - 2021 Annual Library Assessment Report
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Annual Library Assessment Report  2021


                    Popularity of the books checked out in relations to the readers is shown as followed:

                    2020 年讀者借閱類別排行前三名,分別為語言文學類 486 冊、宗教哲學心理學類 229
                    冊、音樂類 174 冊;其中英文主修借閱排行第一名為語言文學類 191 冊,傳播主修第

                    一名為語言文學類 77 冊,音樂主修第一名為音樂類 78 冊,教職員借閱第一名為宗教
                    哲學心理學類 93 冊,教學研究用書借閱第一名為語言文學類 97 冊。

                    The top three of popularity of books checked out are Language and Literature (486
                    volumes), Religion/Philosophy (229 volumes) and Music Material (174 volumes). The
                    popularity of books checked out the most in English Major is Language and Literature (191
                    volumes), the Communication Major is Language and Literature (77 volumes) and the
                    Music Major is Music Material (78 volumes). The popularity of books checked out the most

                    in faculty and staff is Religion/Philosophy (93 volumes). The popularity of books checked
                    out the most in teaching and learning ID is Religion/Philosophy (97 volumes).

               六、透過問卷得知:學生進入圖書館主要目的前 4 名如表所示。

                   The survey shows that the top four purposes of entering the library as followed

                      進入圖書館的目的 purpose                        數量 amount             百分比%
                      看書/借書  read/borrow books                      92               23.71%

                      找資料  research data                            88               22.68%
                      寫作業  doing homework                           54               13.92%

                      影印與列印  print/copy                             42               10.82%

               七、透過問卷得知:最常使用的圖書館資訊服務是 WebPAC、資料庫、電子書;最常使用

                    The survey shows the most used information service is WebPAC, databases and e- books.
                    The most used resource is paper books. The three most used categories are English/ Novel

                    /Literature. Students would like to see the library purchase more resources such as paper
                    books, e-books and online databases. Students would like to see the library purchase more
                    books ranging from English, novels, literature, movie and psychology.

   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133