Page 126 - 2021 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 126
Annual Library Assessment Report 2021
形式 使用人次 網頁瀏覽量
Web 2,838 10,776
Blog 1,484 2,500
總計 4,322 13,276
圖書館網站 2020 年流量有 10,776 人次,另外圖書館部落格,因近年人力不足的緣故,
無法持續更新,往年流量頗高。圖書館網站的使用者當中,有 43%使用者來自台灣,36%
來自美國,17%來自大陸,另外,還有來自英國、香港、日本等國家。其中有 75.6%使
The website of our library totaled 10,776 views in 2020. For Library Blog, even though
historically it has pretty high views in the past; due to the staff shortage problem, our library
blog is not capable of continuous updates. There are 43% of people of our user were from
Taiwan, 36% from American, 17% from mainland China, the rest is from users of England,
Hong Kong and Japan.
75.6% of our users used our website with Computer, 22.4% used smartphone and 2% used