Page 140 - 2023 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 140
Annual Library Assessment Report 2023
師線上教學與學生學習,109 學年度共開設 14 門課程,測試平台網址為:。
110 學年度始每年編列預算,購置 TronClass 數位學習平台,並安排視訊同步教學及
TronClass 數位學習平台的教育訓練,於 2021 年 9 月正式啟用上線,109 上開設 2 門課,
109 下開設 12 門課,110 上學期共開設 12 門課程,110 下開設 10 課程,111 上開設
21 門課程,111 下開設 17 門課程。
We encouraged our teachers to utilize online resources, introduce more information
technology elements to academical teaching to improve teaching quality. Students were also
given opportunities to do more self and extensive learning; this also encompasses our
international students. In 2020 we imported online learning platform TronClass, and using it
we opened trial systems for teachers to operate online teaching. 2020 saw the introduction of
14 new classes. and the platform link is as follows:
In 2021, the school passed the request for purchasing the online platform TronClass, and
organized staff training on livestream classes and TronClass’s operational training.
TronCalss integration operational in 2021 September. Official platform link is as follows: