Page 141 - 2023 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 141

Annual Library Assessment Report  2023

               111 上學期  (2022.08.01-2023.01.31)

                  111 上學期 TronClass 數位學習平台(2022/8/1-2023/01/31) TronClass 平台的總訪量為 11.5
                  萬,總訪客數(人次)為 701,使用者大多以電腦開啟平台,電腦版以 Google Chrome 使

                  用居多,手機以持 iOS、Andriod 使用者各半,平台被使用最多的功能,為放置教材、

                  In the 2022 Fall, TronClass platform saw a total visit of 115000, with 701 unique visitors.
                  Most visitors are from web platform, with google chrome being the most used browser for
                  visiting. Mobile platform comes mostly from iOS, Andriod. The most used tools on the
                  platform were uploading teaching materials, dispatching homework , online quiz, and
                  providing a space for discussions.

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