Page 139 - 2023 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 139

Annual Library Assessment Report  2023

                   出 200 封卡片與小禮物。

                   The LIBWEEK of 2021 was held from December 8 until December 23. During Dec.8-9
                   Tamkang University held cross-school cooperation with us, introducing VR to students and
                   staffs by VR system experience and speech. We have invited professor Sinn-Cheng Lin

                   from Tamkang University’s Department of Information and Library Science for the sharing
                   23 people joined the opening ceremony, 88 students and staffs experienced VR system, and

                   20 students and staffs joined the speech sharing. The cooperation with Tamkang University
                   gave our students and staffs major benefits.
                   Although many students were not able to join the Tamkang University event, the library
                   held another activity that everyone can easily participate. This activity was about sending
                   thank-you cards to the people you love, and with the helps from the service learning students

                   we have mailed 200 mails and presents in total.

               編號       日期/時間                     活動項目                   場次            時數             參加人次

               1.    2022.12.08        圖書館週開幕式                             1            1hr               23
               2.    2022.12.08-09  VR 展-虛擬實境體驗                            2           12hrs              88
               3.    2022.12.08        說唱會                                 1            2hrs              20
               4.    2022.12.8-23      校園內卡片郵寄傳愛活動                         1           135hrs            200

               5.    2022.12.8-23      大家來找碴(圖書館利用有獎                       1           144hrs             15
               6.    2022.12.8-23      圖書館聖誕佈置場景拍照打                        1           144hrs             5

                                       Total                               8          439 hrs            381

               十、 視訊同步教學暨數位教學平台

                   因疫情關係,本校近三年採 100%課程視訊同步教學。
                   Due to the pandemic, the school has transitioned to full online teaching in these thre years.


                   使用,本校於 109 學年度引進 TronClass 數位學習平台,並建置測試實驗系統,提供老

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