Page 135 - 2023 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 135
Annual Library Assessment Report 2023
六、 學生進入圖書館主要目的
透過問卷顯示,學生進入圖書館主要目的,前 5 名如表所示。
According to the survey, the main 5 purposes for entering the library are as follows:
進入圖書館的目的 purpose 數量 amount 百分比%
找資料 search 49 61.25%
看書/借書 read/borrow books 42 52.50%
寫作業 write homework 28 35.00%
影印與列印 print/copy 20 25.00%
討論 discuss 16 20.00%
七、 最常使用及最希望增購的館藏資源
透過問卷得知:最常使用的圖書館資訊服務前三名是 WebPAC、資料庫、電子書;最
According to the survey, the most used information services are WebPAC, databases and e-
books. Most used resources are paper books, database, and journal. Most used book
categories are English, Novel, and Literature. Survey also shows students would like to see
the library purchase more resources such as paper books, online databases and e-books;
lastly more books ranging from psychology, English, novels, movie, photography, and
八、 圖書館服務滿意度雷達圖
從學生對於圖書館的服務滿意度調查中,雖面臨 COVID-19 疫情,學生對於圖書館的
According to the user satisfaction survey, the overall performance of library is better than
last year. Users are highly satisfied by the services offered in library, especially
“library’s week (events)” , “library’s tour”, “library user education”, “library