Page 15 - CC Life 13 2015 Spring
P. 15

Hands-on Project –
Learn As You Do

Dr. Julie Shen
Communication Major Chairperson

     Students are like seeds God places in our hands. They
   come in different sizes and shapes and you don’t know
   what they are. Some of them will grow up to be daisies,
   some will be lilies and some will be big trees. All we can
   do is water and prune. A hands-on course is like fertilizer.
   When a plant receives the right fertilizer, it grows.

  The Communication Major was established in 1998             sufficient funding, then they would not
for the purpose of training people to spread the Gospel       know and understand the whole process of
through the use of media with the method of learning          marketing and how it is important to the
through doing. Therefore, our curriculum includes courses     media. Therefore, we ask the college to
that requires hands-on projects, off campus internship and    cover 45% of the cost of running this project
graduation production. Students are given a series of tasks   and students to locate support to cover the
each year they are at the college and those tasks are all     other 55%. This is not an easy process. Not
related to a big project. Through taking on different roles,  only do the teachers need to pay attention
students learn their strengths and their interests from a     to the changes of the society over time, but
practical point of view. This training has a great influence   students need to re-adjust their attitudes
on our students’ lives and careers.                           when they are turned down as they visit
                                                              businesses one by one. In the process,
  Each student has to go through five stages before            students learn to overcome obstacles, to
graduation. The first stage is to personally deliver the       think of different strategies when they are
student practicum magazine, CC Community, to designated       rejected by people, and to speak differently
individuals and organizations. The second stage is to         to be more convincing. Many students say
solicit magazine advertisements from businesses. The          that they have become braver and they are
third stage is to write news for the magazine. The last two   able to learn from their mistakes.
stages are to intern off campus in a media organizations
for two months and to complete a graduation exhibition.         Not only do students publish a paper-
                                                              based magazine every month, they also run
  Let’s take CC Community as an example. Our goal             their own Facebook page, monitor apps they
is to produce a publically published magazine like other      promote, and film their own news and post
magazines on the market. We want students to locate           it on YouTube for the public to see. We are
resources off campus so they can develop the ability to       very proud of our students. Though few in
work outside of the school environment as they will do        number, they successfully run such a multi-
after they graduate. If the college provided them with        product hands-on project.
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