Page 15 - CC Life 14 2015 Fall
P. 15
Dr. Duolin Peng
Chairperson, Christian Liberal Arts Department
At the end of each semester, many teachers talk about that, what we see is only the glimmering and
how they give “grace” to students when they are working glittering– a reflection of God’s grace to us.
on students’ grades. By that, they mean that they extended
to the student more benefit than they deserved, more Teachers sincerely offer true love and
credit than they might get if graded strictly. They see this kindness to students. However, if a student
as a response to one of the college mission statements, does not recognize or appreciate that gracious
“Evangelizing and discipling students in the Christian kindness, he or she is like the ungrateful nine
faith in a loving and nurturing environment.” Indeed, this lepers who didn’t show their appreciation to
is one way to promote such an environment. But what do the Lord for healing them. (Luke 17: 11~19)
we mean by “grace”? Jesus chided them for their ungratefulness.
He wanted them to know that they got
Grace is something that God gives us without calculating blessing they did not deserve.
how we could repay Him. Grace is something we do not
deserve. Some have used the following as a definition of Rewarding students for following the
grace: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. We are saved school rules and meeting the required
because of God’s love for us and Christ’s righteousness academic standards is not grace – it is earned
credited to us. We get “credit” for what Christ did, instead and expected. Obedience to the laws of a
of the punishment we deserve. country results in peace and freedom but
this is also earned; this is not grace. On the
We are all sinners. The only way for us to be saved is contrary, when we recognize that we do not
by accepting God’s priceless grace. What we see in our deserve God’s grace, we accept it thankfully.
everyday life on campus is students helping and loving Then, we will respond to that grace in the
each other. This love that exists between two equals can be way that is pleasing to the Lord by extending
called kindness, affection or even passion, but it is not true grace to others.
grace. Only the love that is shown from top down, that is
given to the undeserving, can be called grace. Other than