Page 97 - 2021 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 97
Annual Library Assessment Report 2021
12. 您希望圖書館增購哪些類別(主題)的圖書資料?
New Books categories suggested to purchase.
數量 amount 百分比%
1.英語文 English 64 15.20%
2.小說 Novel 39 9.26%
3.文學 Literature 37 8.79%
4.電影 Movie 36 8.55%
5.心理學 Psychology 33 7.84%
6.音樂 Music 19 4.51%
7.攝影 Photography 18 4.28%
8.戲劇 Theater 16 3.80%
9.休閒娛樂 Entertainment 15 3.56%
10.商業及企管 Management 14 3.33%
11.歷史 History 14 3.33%
12.美術 Art 13 3.09%
13.哲學與宗教 Philosophy and Religion 12 2.85%
14.傳播 Communication 11 2.61%
15.學 Sociology 11 2.61%
16.童書 Children’s Literature 10 2.38%
17.法律 Law 9 2.14%
18.旅遊與地理 Travel 9 2.14%
19.其他 Others 8 1.90%
20.電腦科學 Computer 7 1.66%
21.政治 Politics 6 1.43%
22.參考書 Reference 6 1.43%
23.烹飪 Cooking 5 1.19%
24.生活保健 Health 3 0.71%
25.教育 Education 3 0.71%
26.軍事 Military 3 0.71%
Ps. 其他:體育相關、歷史、地理、文化、表演相關、股票投資、區塊鏈、虛擬貨幣、小
說、Novels from popular authors