Page 144 - 2022 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 144

Annual Library Assessment Report  2022

                   39 people joined the opening ceremony, 37 students and staffs experienced VR system, and
                   15 students and staffs joined the speech sharing. The cooperation with Tamkang University
                   gave our students and staffs major benefits.
                   Although many students were not able to join the Tamkang University event, the library
                   held another activity that everyone can easily participate. This activity was about sending

                   thank-you cards to the people you love, and with the helps from the service learning students
                   we have mailed 273 mails and presents in total.
              編號       日期/時間                    活動項目                   場次             時數            使用人次

                          Date                 Event Name
             1.    2021.12.02        圖書館週開幕式                             1      1hr(9:30-10:30)         39
             2.    2021.12.02-03  基淡雙城四百年 VR 展-虛擬
                                                                         1       6hrs*2d=12hrs          37
                     9:00-16:00      實境體驗

             3.    2021.12.03        圖書館週專題演講-
                     pm 6:30-8:30    e起穿閱雞籠淡水臺北城/                        1       2hrs(6:30-8:30)        15
                                     淡江  林信成教授主講

             4.    2021.12.01-17  校園內卡片郵寄傳愛活動                            1     13hrs*13d=169hrs        273
             5.    2021.12.01-17  圖書館聖誕佈置場景拍照打
                                                                         1     13hrs*13d=169hrs         0
                                     Total                               6           347 hrs           364

                   此外,2022 年 3 月劉館長與怡娟,應邀前往淡江大學參加重點研究暨 USR 計畫成果之
                   「淡水開港  160  年特展」開幕式暨音樂會。

                   Apart from the Library Week, Grace Liu and Kill Pan were invited to Tamkang University’s
                   Research & USR event “Tamsui Harbor Opening 160 Show”, an opening ceremony and

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