Page 140 - 2022 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 140
Annual Library Assessment Report 2022
另外,從 Google Analytics 顯示,圖書館網頁 2021 年瀏覽量共 9,260,其中第一名是首
頁,第二名是電子書,第三名是圖書館週;圖書館 2021.10-12 因電子書驗收及推廣使用,
以及圖書館周活動,為圖書館網頁流量最頻繁的階段,其中日瀏覽量,第一高峰 449、
第二高峰 241、第三高峰 136 絕大部分都是驗收及推廣電子書使用造成。
According to Google Analytics, library website views in 2021 totaled 9,260. Top three of the
highest ranked pages were home page, e-book and LIBWEEK. Due to the introduction and
promotion of our e-book and LIBWEEK website, 2021.10-12 was the time that our home page
achieved the highest views. The average views of the top three days were 449 views per day,
241 views per day and 136 views per day. Most of them were in-relation to the promotion of
六、 透過問卷得知:學生進入圖書館主要目的前 4 名如表所示。
According to the survey, the main 4 purposes for entering the library are as follows:
進入圖書館的目的 Purpose 數量 Votes 百分比%
看書/借書 Read/Borrow Books 74 24.50%
找資料 Search 69 22.85%
寫作業 Write Homework 42 13.91%
影印與列印 Print/Copy 31 10.26%