Inquiry Into the Library Collection

Web Public Access Catalog (WebPAC)

You may search the databases of the Library collection through the key words like authors, book titles, headings, publication house and such Keywords.  Through the system, you may, as well, look into the updates of the subject books, extend the book use period online, recommend your needed books and look into the updates of new arrivals, Reserved Books or voice your opinions.

Online Database

Please browse the library website.

Online Database

Website Services

Christ’s College Library Website:

Web address:
The Christ’s College Library Website provides a variety of services required for readers, notably Inquiry into Library Collections, Latest Updates, Guide to the Library, a variety of public announcements, Library rules, contents of the Library services, databases, Library utilization, Library Resources, Library Week and the like.  All faculty and students are welcome to make maximum use of the website.


Christ’s College Library Blog

Web address:
Christ’s College Library Blog offers a variety of updates in the easygoing, diverse, up-to-date, interactive manner of the Library .

Guide to the Computerized Inquiry Area
  1. Before printing online databases, Internet search updates, please insert the “Xeroxing (Photocopying) Card into the “”Digital Complex” and print as instructed.  A NT$2 cost will be deducted for each page Xeroxed.
  2. The computer at the Library Search Zone is provided to readers only to search the data.
  3. The computer at the Library Search Zone uses a common account.  Please do not log-in or log-out with any account number.
  4. Please do not use the computer at the Library Search Zone to do homework.
  5. Under no circumstances shall any floppy disks or  CD-ROMs be used for the computer at the Library Search Zone for media input/output.
  6. Please do not download software, files, pictures onto the hard drive of the computer at the Library Search Zone hard disks (except the temporary files of doctoral dissertations, master theses).
  7. Any change in the computer setup, installation programs or a change in the pictures of the computer at the Library Search Zone is absolutely banned. 
  8. Under no circumstances shall the computer at the Library Search Zone be used for any unlawful purposes.  Be sure to honor the Copyright Law.
Form and File Download

The software programs in frequent use for a variety of forms and databases of the Library are provided on the Library Website (under the Contents of Services) to facilitate readers download needs.