Page 17 - CC Life 15 2016 Spring
P. 17
Hope for A Great Way of Living
Ken McAlpin We were both blessed to be Christians before
MTW Missionary we went to college and to have had good
mentors who were older and could guide us
My wife, Linda, and I joined Christ’s College Taipei through our early years. The only way that we
(CCT) in March of this year. We both retired in 2015, can repay those who helped us is by helping the
from careers that God truly blessed and which we generation that follows us. We do bring very
enjoyed very much. Linda was a school teacher for tangible skills to the students of CCT, and we
27 years and I was an international businessman for will work hard to make sure that our students
almost 30 years. Why would we leave the comfort and benefit from those skills and experiences.
familiarity of our home country to serve in a college However, what we hope to provide even more
located halfway around the world? The answer is is our friendship, our counsel and our prayers
simple: we have seen, first hand, the grace of God in to help each student take advantage of the
our lives through good times and bad. We have seen, for opportunities presented here and develop their
ourselves, that the best way to live life is to recognize full potential for the glory of God.
that this is God’s world, that His glory is in our best
interest and that He has given us the privilege of living 15
and working in this world as members of His family
and ambassadors for His kingdom.
In the short time that we have been here, we have
seen both the challenges and the great opportunities at
CCT. It has been a pleasure to get to know the staff
and faculty, but our biggest joy, by far, has been the
students. They are the main reason that we are here.
Our students receive two specific benefits from
attending CCT. People who have good language skills
in both Chinese and English should do very well over
the coming years and they can improve those skills
at CCT. But, far more important than language skills
is a clear worldview, which places proper priority on
things like our relationship to God, our relationship to
our fellow humans, and the proper role of things like
money and success in God’s world. This second benefit
– the development of a Christian worldview – is the
greatest opportunity presented by CCT.