Page 29 - CC Life 13 2015 Spring
P. 29

Praise God for His Abundant

                                                             Rev. Brian Wang
                                                             Class of 2006

  王牧師全家福                                                     and prayed for us, but also led me to the
                                                             gospel association where I came to know
  It’s been nine years since I graduated from Christ’s       God. This was the second blessing, the gospel
College. As I shared in chapel, I was reminded of how        association. Through the gospel association,
God blessed me by leading me to the college. I had been      I learned to serve God and people. Through
lost for 18 years before I returned to God who deserves all  learning to serve, I learned to depend on God
my praise because of how much He loves me.                   more than on myself. The third blessing was
                                                             the teachers I had at Christ’s College. The
I Praise God for His Care and Salvation.                     teachers at the college were our role models.
                                                             They not only passed on knowledge, but they
  I was born into the fourth generation of a Christian       loved us with God’s love. They cared for
family. Because of what happened in my family, I closed      our needs and prayed for us. I think they
myself off from the world and had low self-esteem. I         were angels sent by the Lord. In response to
couldn’t feel God. I thought that if God was real, I should  God’s blessings, I decided during my senior
have a wonderful family. I wasn’t interested in studying.    year to become a full-time minister.
By the time I finished high school, I couldn’t get into
college and had no hope for the future. I had no idea        I Praise God for His Justice and
what to do next. Like others have said, when we come         Guidance.
to the end of our human way, we are ready to begin going
God’s way. Through my uncle’s help, I took the entrance        Now I am married and have two children.
exam and, amazingly, I was offered admission to Christ’s     Our family works as church planters in
College. Now I can see that it was God’s provision and the   Zhuwei, New Taipei City, which is just down
salvation He had for me.                                     the hill from the college. I was once someone
                                                             who had no goals for the future and needed
I Praise God for His Abundant Blessings.                     counseling, but God has used me to bless
                                                             more people than I’d ever dreamed of. The
  I experienced God’s abundant blessings through my          turning point in my life from hopelessness
years at Christ’s College in three ways. First, I saw His    to blessing was my time at Christ’s College.
blessing through my room leaders in the dorm. There are      Praise the Lord! To God be the glory!
two room leaders in each room, and they led us in nightly
devotions every day during the week. They not only cared
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