Page 36 - 2017 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 36

Annual Library Assessment Report 2017

9. 您希望圖書館增購哪些類別的圖書資料
Suggestion of purchasing new books categories

1.小說 Novel                   數量 amount         百分比%
2.電影 Movie                          82            11.85%
3.英文 English                        76            10.98%
4.文學 Literature                     53             7.66%
5.攝影 Photography                    50             7.23%
6.烹飪 Cooking                        42             6.07%
7.音樂 Music                          32             4.62%
8.休閒娛樂 Entertainment                28             4.05%
9.其他 Others                         27             3.90%
10.心理學 Psychology                   27             3.90%
11.美術 Art                           25             3.61%
12.傳播 Communication                 24             3.47%
13.旅遊與地理 Travel                     24             3.47%
14.商業及企管 Management                 22             3.18%
15.童書 Children’s Literature         21             3.03%
16.戲劇 Theater                       20             2.89%
17.教育 Education                     19             2.75%
18.哲學與宗教                            19             2.75%

   Philosophy and Religion          16             2.31%
19.電腦科學 Computer                    15             2.17%
20.參考書 Reference                    15             2.17%
21.歷史 History                       15             2.17%
22.生活保健 Health                      11             1.59%
23.社會學 Sociology                     8             1.16%
24.政治 Politics                       8             1.16%
25.軍事 Military                       7             1.01%
26.法律 Law                            6             0.87%

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