Page 5 - 創校十六週年感言 The sixteenth anniversary and college day
P. 5

Ee Ho “which I knew to be the name of a great British Shipping Company on whose

                   nice  ship  I  used  to  travel  up  the  Yangtze  River  in  old  China.  And  then  I
                   thought ”Praise the Lord, I knew the top Taipei manager of the company and have
                   cordial relations with him playing tennis in the Grand Hotel Tennis Club.” I called
                   him as son as I arrived home and asked him if his company owned the property on the

                   high  bluff  over  the  Tamkang  River  half-way  between  pei-tou  and  Tanshui.  He
                   promptly answered in the affirmative and said he had handled the purchase of the land
                   himself, and said, “ why? Do you want it?” I said ,”Yes, I do!” He said, “What do you
                   want to do with it?” I answered “I want to put a Christian college for young Chinese

                   there”. When he found that I did not want it for any selfish use, he said, ”Alright , I
                   will sell it to you for just the price I paid for it 9 years ago!” This seemed to me to be
                   a  sure  proof  that  God  was  with  me,  which  made  the  price  for  about  2½  hectars
                   ridiculously cheap, and I had enough money in hand to pay for it in cash. To me it was

                   a miracle from the Lord, as was the progress in the construction of our first building.
                   The contract was signed on faith which I only had any payment when it fell due. We
                   had a handsome building with 3 floors and fifteen thousand square feet of floor-space
                   and free of debt. We took in our first freshman class with about eighty-five students in

                   the fall of 1959.

                   The  Ministry  of  the  Interior  is  the  government  agency  with  which  all  religious
                   institutions must be registered with them. Even though we are unregistered with the

                   Ministry of Education we make it a point to observe the academic standards set by
                   them and other regulations handed down by them. I am thankful to the Lord that I can
                   repeat what I have said above—that the government has not molested us at all and our
                   college is becoming widely know and our graduates in damand for their efficient and

                   honest  work.  From  our  present  student-body  which  averages  around  six  hundred
                   students, a Christian witness flows out in all directions—the mountains, the plains, the
                   offshore island to the East and West of Taiwan, to the Hakka people, in the churches
                   and small Sunday Schools every Sunday. For this we thank God and take courage,

                   because it is for this collective purpose that Christ’s College primarily exists.

                                                  JAMES.R .GRAHAM
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