Page 72 - 2023 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 72

Annual Library Assessment Report  2023

               109 上  (2020-2021/1st semester)

               編號                 書名                            索書號                         借閱次數
                No.               Title                        Call no.                   Checked-Out
                 1    A tale of two cities          PE1128 .O2B64 2000 v.4 no.8                 1

                 2    The Joy Luck Club             PE1128 .O2B64 2000 v.6 no.4                 1
                 3    Oliver Twist                  PE1128 .O2B64 2000 v.6 no.6                 1
                                                    PE1128 .O2B64 2002 v.6
                 4    The woman in white                                                        1
                 5    Emergency murder              PE1128 .C14E3 2003 v.5 no.7                 1
                 6    Martin Luther King, Jr.       PE1128 .P37 2003 v.3 no.27                  1

               109 下  (2020-2021/2  semester)
               編號  題名                                       書目索書號                               借閱次數

               No.  Title                                   Call no.                            Checked-Out
               1      Give us the money                     PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.0 no.4               5
               2      Much ado about nothing                PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.2 no.33              4
               3      Mary, Queen of Scots                  PE1128 .O2B64 2000 v.1 no.20              4

               4      Five children and it                  PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.2 no.11              4
               5      The Canterville ghost                 PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.2 no.30              4
               6      Frankenstein                          PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.3 no.5               4

               7      The prisoner of Zenda                 PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.3 no.9               3
               8      The moonspinners                      PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.4 no.16              3
               9      Lorna Doone                           PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.4 no.21              3

               10     Kidnapped : the adventures of David
                      Balfour in the year 1751              PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.3 no.15              3
               11.    The piano                             PE1128 .O2B64 2000 v.2 no.3               3

               12.    A little princess                     PE1128 .O2B64 2000 v.1 no.16              3
               13.    The importance of being earnest       PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.2 no.34              3
               14.    Sally's phone                         PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.0 no.5               3
               15.    Survive!                              PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.0 no.6               3

               16.    Police TV                             PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.0 no.7               3
               17     The white stones                      PE1128 .O2B64 2008 v.0 no.13              3
               18.    A Connecticut Yankee in King

                      Arthur's court                        PE1128 .O2B64S2 2001 v.6                  3

   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77