Page 69 - 2023 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 69

Annual Library Assessment Report  2023

                   6      Junie B. Jones and some sneaky
                                                                 PZ7 .P21B83b 1994                  3
                          peeky spying
                   7      Junie B. Jones and a little monkey
                                                                 PZ7 .P21B83d 1993                  3

                   8      The lion, the witch and the wardrobe   PZ8.2 .L58B34a 1994                3
                   9      Click, clack, moo : cows that type     PZ7 .C88L58 2000                   3
                  10      The voyage of the dawn treader         PZ8.2 .L58B34b 1994                3

                  11.     A high, low, near, far, loud, quiet
                                                                 PE1689 .C86 1999                   3
                  12.     Joseph had a little overcoat           PZ7 .T11 1999                      3
                  13.     The three goats                        PZ8.1 .E8L62 2000                  3

                  14.     With you all the way                   PZ7 .L96G41 2000                   3

               108 下  (2019-2020/2  semester)

               編號                  書名                            索書號                        借閱次數
                No.                Title                         Call no.                 Checked-Out
                 1   Red leaf, yellow leaf            PZ7 .E5 1991    ;                          3

                 2   Let's look at colors             PZ7 .B38 1999    ;                         3
                 3   The mixed-up chameleon           PZ7 .C19M69 1984    ;                      3

                 4   西遊記                              PL2697 .Sh6H86 2004                        3
                     Bingo  :  the  best  dog  in  the
                 5                                    PZ7 .S7L57 1991    ;                       2
                 6   The wind in the willows          PZ7 .G76 1995    ;                         2

                 7   Clifford grows up                PZ7 .B76p 1999                             2
                 8   Let's look at animals            SF75.5 .B38 1999    ;                      2

                 9   The apple pie tree               SB363 .H14H21 1996    ;                    2
                10  Maybe, my baby                    PZ7 .J26 2003    ;                         2
                11  A tree is nice                    QK475.8 .U7S5 1984    ;                    2
                12  Lizards                           QL458 .M41 1997    ;                       2

                13  Clifford the big red dog          PZ7 .B76C1 1963        ;                   2
                14  The wind in the willows           PZ7 .G76 1981    ;                         2

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