Page 81 - 2022 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 81

Annual Library Assessment Report  2022

               109 上  (2020-2021/1st semester)

               因 COVID-19 學生未能返校借用 TESOL 區教材

               108 下  (2019-2020/2nd semester)

               編號                     書名                              索書號                     借閱次數
               No.                    Title                           Call no.              Checked-Out
                1    All about you                           PE1449 .A4A4 1991                    4

                2    The very busy spider                    PZ7 .C19V62 1984                     3
                3    All about you (Big Book)    [Big Book] / BBK 00086, 00176                    3
                4    The bird alphabet book                  PZ7 .P17S4 1987                      3

                5    This bird can't fly                     QL676.2 .C16 1998                    2
                6    Big birds                               QL676 .P38B25 2000                   2
                     Walking through the jungle (Big Book)

                7    [Big Book] /                            BBK 00060, 00200                     2
                8    The rain forest (Big Book)    [Big Book]  BBK 00062                          2
                9    I love spiders (Big Book)    [Big Book] /  BBK 00131, 00181                  2

                10  Let's make a cake                        TX771 .H55 2002                      2
                11  Let's make a bread                       TX769 .H55 2002                      2
                12  Let's make a sandwich                    TX818 .H55 2002                      2

                13  Let's make a cookies                     TX772 .H55 2002                      2
                                                             BBK 00088, 00116,
                14  Mean soup (Big Book)    [Big Book] /     00172;                               2

                     Pancakes, pancakes! (Big Book)    [Big
                15  Book] /                                  BBK 00094        ;                   2
                     I went walking (Big Book)    [Big Book]

                16  /                                        BBK 00110- 00111          ;          2
                     Rain forest - pocket chart cards (Flash
                17  Card)    [Flash Card]                    FCARD 00027        ;                 2
                18  Row, row, row your boat                  PZ8.3 .G61L17 1998    ;              2

                19  Spider names                             PZ7 .C16 1998    ;                   2
                20  Spiders!                                 PZ7 .N51M45 1999    ;                2

   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86