Page 80 - 2022 Annual Library Assessment Report
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Annual Library Assessment Report  2022

                  4.「TESOL」借閱暢銷排行榜  Ranking of  「TESOL」Books Checked-Out

               110 上  (2021-2022/1  semester)
               編號            題名                               書目索書號                         借閱次數

               No.           Title                            Call No.                      Checked-Out
                    1        Mig the pig's (big book)         BBK 00039, 00195                      3
                    2        This little pig went (Big Book)   BBK 00042                            2

                    3        The old woman and her pig
                             (Big Book)                       BBK 00043
                    4        Good night, Mr. Beetle (Big
                             Book)                            BBK 00047

                    5        Zug the big                      QL467.2 .H31H31 1988                  2
                    6        Mig the pig                      PZ8.3 .H31H31b 1995                   1

                    7        Jen the Hen                      PZ8.3 .H31H31c 1985                   1
                    8        This little pig went to market
                             (Big Book)                       BBK 00207
                    9        Rosie's walk                     PZ7 .H97 1986                         1

                   10        The little red hen               PZ8.1 .G13L72 1973                    1
                   11        Bugs, bugs, bugs!                QL494 .R27C42 1998                    1
                   12        Rooster's off to see the world   PZ7 .C19 1989                         1
               109 下(2020-2021/2 semester)
               編號            題名                               書目索書號                         借閱次數
               No.           Title                            Call No.                      Checked-Out
                    1        Mig the pig's (big book)         BBK 00039, 00195                      2
                    2        This little pig went (Big Book)   BBK 00042                            1

                    3        The old woman and her pig
                             (Big Book)                       BBK 00043                             1
                    4        Good night, Mr. Beetle (Big

                             Book)                            BBK 00047                             1
                    5        Zug the big                      QL467.2 .H31H31 1988                  1
                    6        Mig the pig                      PZ8.3 .H31H31b 1995                   1
                    7        Jen the Hen                      PZ8.3 .H31H31c 1985                   1

                    8        This little pig went to market
                             (Big Book)                       BBK 00207                             1
                    9        Rosie's walk                     PZ7 .H97 1986                         1

   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85