Page 19 - Watchman- What of the Night
P. 19
word translated ―sounded‖ could more literally and correctly be translated
―trumpeted.‖ It is the last angelic trumpeter in the series of seven. Nothing could be
more reasonable than that this last trump in a series of seven is the same as ―the last
trump‖ of I Cor.15:52, ―the great sound of a trumpet‖ of Matt.24:31, and ―the trump
of God‖ of I Thess. 4:16, especially since they are all describing the same event.
At the sounding of this trumpet, we read in Rev.11:15, ―there were great voices in
heaven saying ‗The Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord
and of His Christ: and He shall reign forever and ever‘.‖ Note carefully, gentle reader,
that the blowing of this trumpet marks the termination of the rebellious course of the
Kingdoms of this world, which have been under Satanic domination for six millennia,
and the restoration of the divine government on earth. In fact the best Greek texts
show ―the Kingdoms of the world, has become (the Kingdom) of our Lord and of His
Christ.‖ It is singular not plural. The Lord sees this whole world-system as being one
great kingdom of Satan. Please note that the heavenly voices say at the time that the
trumpet sounds that the world-kingdom, has become the Christ- Kingdom. The verb is
an aorist. Verse seven of Chapter 10, referring to this same trumpet, says: ―In the days
of the sound of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to trumpet, the mystery of God
should be finished, according to the good tidings which he declared to his servants the
prophet.‖ The mystery of God in every form─the mystery of Christ, the mystery of
the church, the mystery of the divine permission of iniquity will be finished and
merged into manifestation.
But not only are we told that the last trump marks the transition from the Satanic
domination of the world to the full rule of Christ, but the passage goes on to say (Rev.
11:18) ―And the nations were angry and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead
that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the
prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and
shouldest destroy them that destroy the earth.‖ The resurrection of the just and the
―bema-judgment seat‖ is plainly declared to occur at this point (for here the saints,
prophets and fearers of God receive their reward) exactly as indicated in Matt. 24:31
and I Thess.4:16, and though the rapture of ―the living and surviving ones‖ is not
mentioned, it also must occur at this same great crisis, for ―where the resurrection is,
there also will be the rapture.‖ From these scriptures again is demonstrated beyond
peradventure of doubt, that resurrection and rapture occur at that great crisis of ―the
last trump‖ and ―the last day,‖ and that any rapture or resurrection previous to this last
crisis is fictitious and imaginary.
We will only examine one more New Testament scripture in this quest to locate
beyond doubt the time of the rapture.
We find in Rev. 20:4 the Apostle John‘s description of those who are enthroned and