Page 30 - The Divine Unfolding of God's Plan of Redemption
P. 30

Empress Dowager‟s pavilion inside the forbidden city of Peking one sees two great
            character scrolls, one with the “long” (the dragon) and the other the “fu” (Buddha).
            We are reminded of the statement of the Apostle Paul that they who do sacrifice to

            idols do sacrifice to demons. We believe that to be an immutable principle. There is
            only one way to approach unto God, and that is through the cross and the blood. We
            believe every other form of worship, from the incantations of heathen dervishes to the
            hollow  and  bloodless  humanism  of  Modernist  churches,  to  be  idolatrous,  and

            consequently devil-worship.

                The first way in which the subtlety of the Satan-incarnate dragon was manifest
            was in the fact that he addressed his remarks to the woman. The woman was created

            subordinate to the man in the matter of authority. She was brought to him by God as a
            helpmeet (Gen. 2:18), and not as a master. It was not intended by God then, and it is
            not  intended  by  God  now,  that  woman  should  take  the  lead  or  be  a  spokesman  in
            governmental affairs. For a woman to assume administrative authority in the home,

            the church, or the state is a reversal of the divine principle. The increasing intrusion of
            women into positions of governmental authority in this latter end of the age has only
            tended to deepen the chaos of a chaotic world.

                Satan attacked the divinely ordered government in its weakest link. He did not say
            anything to the man but addressed the woman.

                How important it is for us to know and understand the method of approach of the

            enemy! We are constantly surprised that in this great spiritual warfare in which we are
            engaged  there  is  so  little  attention  paid  to  the  strategy  of  warfare  adopted  by  our
            enemy. It is not enough to know his origin, his power, or even his purpose to use us to
            thwart  and  discredit  God.  It  is  necessary  to  have  a  clear  grasp  of  his  method  of

            procedure. In this connection as in many others we find that the children of this world
            are  wiser  in  their  generation  than  the  children  of  light.  Reconnaissance  parties  to
            determine the location, strength, and as far as possible the tactics of the enemy, are
            indispensable  in  successful  military  campaigns.  The  measure  of  success  of  all  war

            maneuvers is the measure of efficiency of the spying and secret service systems. In the
            field  of  competitive  sport  the  experienced  football  coach  builds  his  offensive  and
            defensive  against  a  certain  opponent  from  the  information  he  has  obtained  of  the

            strength and weakness of the opponent from an efficient corps of scouts. How much
            more then should we, as good soldiers of Jesus Christ, be aware of the methods of that
            most  clever  of  all  opponents  who  would  compass  our  downfall  and  dishonor  the
            Captain of our salvation!

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