Page 14 - The Divine Unfolding of God's Plan of Redemption
P. 14

received as a gift from Him, but He does not intend that we shall steal any fullness
            from Him.

                 “For of Him, and through Him and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for
            ever. Amen” (Rom.11:36). We find here that Christ, the Son, is the origin, the agent,
            and the object of all things. Logically, then, to Him should accrue the glory. The same
            idea  is  stated  in  that  sublime  passage  setting  forth  the  glories  of  God‟s  Son  (Col.

            1:15-18). Here it is stated that “All things were created by Him, and for Him...who is
            the  beginning,  the  firstborn  from  the  dead;  that  in  all  things  He  might  have  the
            preeminence.” The first oratorio of the twenty-four elders was to the same purport,
            “Thou  art  worthy,  O  Lord,  to  receive  glory  and  honor  and  power:  for  Thou  hast

            created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created. ”
                 To fail of this, then, is to “come short of the glory of God.” Any thought, any
            word, any act that has not as its object the preeminence and glory of Christ is a sin. It
            is to be a rebel against the divine will, a thwarter of the divine purpose.

                 When  we  contemplate  the  nature  of  this  future  glorious  Christocracy  we  are
            impressed with the fact that it has nothing in common with the present cosmic order
            but is as high above it as the heaven is high above the earth and as far from it as the

            East is from the West. Nothing that is indigenous to the present order of things can
            possibly have any place there. Christ tells us in His own interpretation of the Parable
            of the Tares (Matt. 13:40-42) that at the consummation of the age “the Son of man
            shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out of His kingdom all things that

            offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire.” Any
            veil  that  is  drawn  across  the glorious  face  of  God‟s  Son, any  impious  hand  that is
            thrust across the threads of the divine purpose, is an offense, and the guilty parties will
            certainly be “gathered out of His Kingdom.”

                 Beloved,  God  commands  us  to  “Be  not  conformed  to  this  world  but  to  be
            transformed by the renewing of our minds.” Identification with this present order of
            things must render us ineligible for the future order. Conformity to this order can be

            changed into conformity to that only by a great supernatural transformation, which the
            Holy  Spirit  alone  can  accomplish  in  us  by  regeneration  and  maintain  in  us  by  His
            indwelling. Then, being renewed in our minds, our outlook, our estimates of things,

            our desires, will we be enabled to hate this present evil order which slew our Prince of
            life, our  Lord of glory. Then  will  we  repudiate  as  foreign to ourselves this present
            world-system, as it was foreign to our Lord. Then will we know that our citizenship is
            in  heaven,  from  whence  we  look  for  the  Lord  Christ.  You  will  remember  that  He
            admitted  before  Pilate  He  was  a  King  but  added  that  His  kingdom  is  not  of  this

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