Page 40 - 2015 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 40
library’s rsources related to Music
15.85% 25.61% 52.44% 4.88% 1.22%
(9) 「圖書」表示非常滿意與滿意者佔 54.87%,不滿意佔 7.32%,無意見佔 37.8%。
(10) 「期刊及報紙」表示非常滿意與滿意者佔 59.14%,不滿意佔 4.27%,無意見佔
(11) 「電子資源」表示非常滿意與滿意者佔 45.73%,不滿意佔 7.93%,無意見佔
(12) 「視聽資料」表示非常滿意與滿意者佔 46.34%,不滿意佔 9.15%,無意見佔
(13) 圖書館所提供的通識核心課程相關資源表示非常滿意與滿意者佔 49.39%,不滿意
佔 46.95%,無意見佔 44.51%。
(14) 圖書館所提供的英文主修專業課程相關資源表示非常滿意與滿意者佔 55.48%,不
滿意佔 5.49%,無意見佔 39.02%。
(15) 圖書館所提供的傳播主修專業課程相關資源表示非常滿意與滿意者佔 48.17%,不
滿意佔 7.32%,無意見佔 44.51%。
(16) 圖書館所提供的音樂主修專業課程相關資源表示非常滿意與滿意者佔 41.46%,不
滿意佔 6.1%,無意見佔 52.44%。
Conclusions and recommendations
一、圖書館館藏:紙本圖書 99,629 冊;報紙 9 種;期刊 120 種;視聽資料 5,161 件;
電子書 1852 種;電子期刊 3 種;資料庫 10 種。年增圖書 605 冊;裝訂期刊 109
冊;視聽資料 233 件。
The library current collection: 99,629 books; 9 kinds of newspapers; 120 kinds of
periodicals; 5,161 documents of audio information; 1852 kinds of ebooks; 3 kinds of
electric periodicals; 10 kinds of information online databases. The annual increment is
605 books; 109 binding periodicals; 233 audio/video materials.
二、透過門禁系統的統計,進館共計 22,879 人次,其中進館人次最高的月份為 10 月
(Oct, 2014),各月人次統計如下表:
The statistics from the UHF RFID Smart Library Security system, there are 22,879
persons enter the library. Among the statistics, October has the highest visitor number.
The statistics of each month are shown in the table below: