Page 26 - 2016基督教教育‧國際研討會
P. 26
編號 題目 講員
1-13 Session Topics Speakers
1-14 Understanding How Students’ English Learning 黃振華牧師
1-15 徐琍沂 博士
Can be Impacted by Teacher Misbehaviors Dr. Lisa Hsu
1-17 Encouraging Students to Discover Their Passion Lovely Ko-Alagata
1-18 and Talents
1-19 Why & How to Use Technology Effectively: Dr. Barrett Mosbacker
1-20 Pedagogy Should Drive Technology
Korean Churches' Mission University Project Jakarta International
1-21 University (Indonesia)
1-22 What is Christian Liberal Arts Education? Dr. Yonggyu Lee
CCT President
2-1 Creating, Empowering & Effective Professional Dr. Quentin Nantz
2-2 Development Dr. Barrett Mosbacker
2-3 Case Study in Taiwan
2-4 基督教辦學案例之報告與台灣自學法研討 TICA
基督教教育在中國之歷史、現況與展望 Mr. Uwe Maurer
2-5 China Christian Education
讓兒童生命更精彩 Association
VP Larry Wu
Envisioning the Future of Christian Higher Dallas Baptist University
Education: Proverbs to Guide our Way VP Randy Byers
3 月 19 日 (週六) March 19 (Saturday)
Christian Teachers: How Are They Different? Dr. James Drexler
Are Christian Schools Worth the Time, Talent & Dr. Barrett Mosbacker
Treasure Required?
The Critical but Ignored Role of Family in 中華家庭方舟協進會
Spiritual Education 曾繼雄 理事長
Student Spiritual Development Soong Duk Girl's High School
Principal Daniel (Baeshiktop)
由加拿大 Cardus 智庫之教育研究調查報告談基 Hong
督教教育學校之教育成效與意涵 臺北基督學院教務長
江愛華 博士
CCT Dean of AAO