賈牧師聲音檔 Voices of Dr. James Graham |
賈牧師演講錄音 voice 1
賈牧師演講錄音 voice2
學校墓園墓園 |
賈牧師重要生平 Life of Dr. James Graham |
1898 賈嘉美生,六個月隨父母來華
Born in the Graham family and brought to China at month six
1913 賈嘉美赴上海讀美國學校
Studied at a American high school in Shanghai
1914 賈嘉美返美讀大學
Studied at Hampden-Sydney college in the States
1918 賈嘉美徵召入海軍陸戰隊
Drafted into American Marine Corps
1921 賈嘉美與露薏絲結婚,同年九月來華
Married to Louise Garret Graham and came to China in September
1922 賈嘉美大女兒Mary生,賈嘉美任淮美中學校長(1922-1927)
Served as principal at “Huai Mei” high school, First daughter, Mary, was born
1927 「南京事件」,賈嘉美全家返美
“Nanking” Incident happened, returned to the States with family
1929 賈嘉美全家返華,開始遊行佈道
Returned to China and started evangelistic trips in China
1936 賈嘉美全家回美,脫離差會
Left mission group when he returned to the States
1938 賈嘉美任教惠頓
Taught in Wheaton College
1939 賈嘉美獲惠頓學院頒發榮譽神學博士
Received Honorary Doctorate of Theology from Wheaton College
1941 賈嘉美在美牧會、著書與巡迴講道
Pastored a church in the States, wrote books and preached in churches
1948 賈嘉美首任妻子露薏絲病逝
Mrs. Graham Louise past away
1950 賈嘉美娶莎拉,同年來台
Married to Sarah Graham, came to Taiwan in the same year
1951 賈嘉美獲邀到全台各地佈道
Preached in churches throughout Taiwan
1952 在美設立「自由中國基督教大學」協會
Founded Free China Christian College Association in California
1953 參與籌設「中原理工學院」
Participated in founding Chung Yuan Christian College
1955 「中原理工學院」正式上課
Classes started in Chung Yuan Christian College
1957 在淡水關渡籌設「基督書院」
Started preparation work for establishing “Christ’s College” at Kuantu
1959 「基督書院」開學
Classes started at Christ’s College
1978 第二任妻子莎子過世(3月16日),12月1日與第三任妻子樂一成婚
Mrs. Sarah Graham past away (March 16th), and married with Louise
Hunter(Dec. 1st)
1981 賈嘉美退休(3月21日)
Retired on March 21
1982 賈嘉美安息主懷(6月18日)
Past away on June 18 |
賈牧師著作Publications of Dr. James Graham |
Publications of Dr. James R. Graham III
賈牧師相關著作電子書版 The ebooks of Dr. James R. Graham III
英文書籍 English books
- The Basic Conflict between Christianity and Communism
- The Divine Unfolding of God’s plan of redemption
- Evidence of the Unseen
- The Kingdom of Heavens and the Kingdom of Hod
- Incense-Bearers of Han : Stories of Twice-Born Chinese
- Marriage and Divorce
- Meditations on the Divine Person
- The Primacy of Foreign Missions
- The Prophet-statesman : a Drama of Daniel
- Spirit, Soul, Body
- Seed for the Sower
- The Strangers and Pilgrims
- The Serial of Prophecy
- Unity of the Divine Way of Justification
- What is the Church?
- Watchman : What of the Night?
中文譯本Chinese translation books
1. 基督教與共產主義的基本衝突=The Basic Conflict between Christianity and Communism
2. 預言系列=the Serial of Prophecy
3. 宗教與教育-二者相容抑相斥?=Religion and Education : Are they Compatible with of Exclusive of One Another?