Page 91 - 2022年臺北基督學院圖書館視聽清冊
P. 91
序號 分類號 題 名 條碼號 備註
372. DVD 00381-00384 dvd.1 十字架耶穌在中國(DVD)$dThe Cross 0086842
Jesus in China
373. DVD 00381-00384 dvd.2 十字架耶穌在中國(DVD)$dThe Cross 0086843
Jesus in China
374. DVD 00381-00384 dvd.3 十字架耶穌在中國(DVD)$dThe Cross 0086844
Jesus in China
375. DVD 00381-00384 dvd.4 十字架耶穌在中國(DVD)$dThe Cross 0086845
Jesus in China
376. DVD 00385 空號
377. DVD 00386 all On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089842
378. DVD 00386 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089843
379. DVD 00386 c.1 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089844
380. DVD 00386 session.1 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089845
381. DVD 00386 session.2 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089846
382. DVD 00386 session.3 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089847
383. DVD 00386 session.4 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089848
384. DVD 00386 session.5 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089849
385. DVD 00386 session.6 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089850
386. DVD 00386 session.7 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089851
387. DVD 00386 session.8 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089852
388. DVD 00386 session.9 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089853
389. DVD 00386 session.10 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089854
390. DVD 00386 session.11 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089855
391. DVD 00386 session.12 On earth as it is in heaven:making it happen 0089856
392. DVD 00387 The church as a window:Seed project stories 0089857
from around the world
393. DVD 00388 dvd.1 經商有道= Business by the book:合神心意 0089858
394. DVD 00388 dvd.2 經商有道= Business by the book:合神心意 0089859
395. DVD 00389-00390 dvd.1 The Gods must be crazy series I & II 0088918
396. DVD 00389-00390 dvd.2 The Gods must be crazy series I & II 0088919
397. DVD 00391 Not without my daughter 0088917
398. DVD 00392 In this shipment Empire of the Sun 0088916
399. DVD 00395 Bend it like beckham 0088915
400. DVD 00396-00397 dvd.1 The last samurai 0088911
401. DVD 00396-00397 dvd.2 The last samurai 0088912
402. DVD 00398-00399 dvd.1 The Mission 0088909
403. DVD 00398-00399 dvd.2 The Mission 0088910
404. DVD 00400 就是要幸福 0100641
405. DVD 00401 話語的大能 0100642
406. DVD 00402 新約縱覽:輔助手冊 0089860
407. DVD 00402 V.1 no.1 新約縱覽 0089861
408. DVD 00402 V.1 no.2 新約縱覽 0089862
409. DVD 00402 V.1 no.3 新約縱覽 0089863
410. DVD 00402 V.1 no.4 新約縱覽 0089864
411. DVD 00402 V.2 no.1 新約縱覽 0089865
412. DVD 00402 V.2 no.2 新約縱覽 0089866
413. DVD 00402 V.2 no.3 新約縱覽 0089867