Page 16 - The handbook of the Christ's College Taipei Library 2016 (English)
P. 16

of the students, faculty and staff members of
      Christ’s College Taipei, according to the
      library rules.
B. Student ID cards, faculty and staff ID cards, and
      library cards for part-time faculty and staff
      members must be presented in person when
      checking out books and materials.
C. When a temporary ID card is used, a
      government-issued ID or a relevant photo ID
      will also be required.
D. Rules for borrowing books:
     (1)Borrowing limits and loan periods

        a.Full-time faculty and staff members: 20
          books, one month each.

        b.Full-time faculty and staff members for
            teaching and research: 50 books, one
            year each.

        c.Part-time faculty and staff: 8 books, one
          month each.

        d.Students: 8 books, two weeks each.
     (2)For students and part-time faculty or staff

        members , the deadline for the return of
        library books and materials is the Monday
        of final exam week.
E. Rules for borrowing audio/visual materials :
     (1)Students: Audio/visual materials are
        available for library use only.
        a. Loan limit for audio/visual materials:

            two items.
        b. Loan period: Audio/visual materials must

            be returned by closing time.
        c. Audio/visual materials and headphones

            can be checked out by presenting a
            student ID card which will be held by the
        d. The fine for not returning audio/visual
            materials is NT$500. The fine for
            headphones is NT$300.

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