Page 2 - 預言系列
P. 2

FOREWORD                                           序

The discussion on the subject of Religion       目前我們所討論的這個主題 - 宗教與教
and Education which we are presenting is        育,乃是美國與中國的中等教育界與高等
the result of experience and observation in     教育界經過多年的經歷與觀察所得到的結
the fields of secondary and higher education    論和結果。鄙人深信若是在三五十年前將
in both the United States and China over a      這宗教與教育應否該合而為一的要求提出
period of years. I am persuaded that what I     時,遠比今日提出易為眾人所接受。原因
have set forth herein world have been much      乃是因為數十年前「神能主宰人類一切事
more sympathetically received a half or even    物」的這種觀念比與事實和真理為敵的人
a quarter of a century ago than it will be      們廣佈於世以來,更為普遍。這些與事實
today. The reason for the latter is that a      和真理為敵的人們,毫無憚忌地敗壞神的
few decades ago the very concept that God is    聖名,甚致否認神的存在。
Sovereign in all human affairs was much
more generally held that since the enemies
of fact and truth have so widely and blatantly
profaned His Name and even denied His

With the erosion of faith, aided and abetted    由於赤禍的助長與煽動,加速了否認史實
by the Communist scourge, has come the          價值之存在,更顛覆了所有的邏輯與推理
practice of negating historic evens and         的過程,因之人對神的信念全然腐蝕而瓦
undermining the whole process of reasoning      解,故而有人響應神而高聲呼曰:「根基若
and logic, so that one cries out with the       毀壞,義人還能作甚麼呢?」(詩篇 11:3)
Psalmist “If the foundations be destroyed,
what can the righteous do?” (Psalms 11:3)

The tremendous accomplishments of science       科學與發明的偉大成就包括地球在太空裡
and invention including the orbiting of the     軌道上之運行,是如此地迷惑了人們的眼
earth in space have so dazzled the eyes and     目,更荼毒了人類的思想。人們總以為自
intrigued the imagination of the human race,    己比神更聰明,並且以這種方式與神的大
is feels itself to be as smart as God Himself   能較量長短,故而不需要神,就像一個剛
and on the way to matching His power, and       學會走路的孩子,推開他父親所伸出的手
so has no need of Him. Like the little          想要以自己的腳行走一樣,其實人類藉着
toddler who has just learned to walk wants to   累積的經驗與實驗已經學得了許多方法運
go “on his own”, and pushed away the            用神奇妙的大能。可是人卻遺忘了這一點
proffered hand of his daddy. The race by        那就是 - 當今這些科學家們,所研究的
cumulative experience and experimentation       以及所獲得的成就都是建築在那些蒙恩而
has learned to utilize some of His power and    愛神的人所發現的科學原則的根基上的。
forgets that it is indebted to godly men for    在這些方面東方人努力追趕西方的科學與
discovering the principles on which their       發明然而卻將先聖先賢們所遺留下來的正
present researches and attainments are based.   確的倫理教訓全然地棄之而不顧了,這就
The desperate pursuit after western learning    是教育對道德方面可怕的影響與結果。作
in these fields has largely led the men of the  為西方國家領導者的美國亦大大地遠離了
East to discard the sound ethical precepts of   神,遠離了所有最受祝福與興盛的泉源、
the sages with dire results in the realm of     並負擔日積月累的外債、更負擔起國際間
morals, while the United States which is the    戰爭的責任、犯罪率每年增加百分之十

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