Page 11 - CC Life 15 2016 Spring
P. 11


Purposes of the Conference

1. We want to provide a platform for Christian education scholars and front line education workers
      to discuss Christian education foundation and its meanings. This discussion will also serve as
      an occasion where different Christian school representatives can share their school’s uniqueness
      and their progress.

2. We want to encourage pastors, parents and educators to discuss the goals, methods and materials
      and how to develop their teaching specialties and effectiveness throughout the spectrum, from
      primary school through college.

3. We want to encourage educators and professionals to discuss how to counsel students from
      primary school all the way through their college years.


  Our keynote speakers included Dr. David Wilcox, the
Assistant Vice President of the Association of Christian School
International, Dr. Joseph Kim, the founder and chaplain of Central
Christian Academy of Suwon in Korea, and Dr. Jim Drexler, the
dean of the graduate school of education at Covenant College
in Georgia. Dr. Wilcox spoke on “Christian Education: What
difference does it make?” Dr. Kim spoke on “The Church and
Christian Schools: How can they work together to build God’s
Kingdom?” Dr. Drexler spoke on “Christian Teachers: How are
they different?” Within the two and a half days of the conference,
there were 41 sessions that covered Higher Education, Christian
Schooling Biblical Foundations, Starting & Leading Christian
Schools, Teaching & Learning, Teaching English as a Foreign
Language, and Technology & Christian Schools.

  Several Christian organizations also set up booths at the         Dr. James Drexlerv
conference: the Association for Christian Schools International,
Dallas Baptist University, Geneva College, Victory Christian
International School, BJU Press, Campus Evangelical Fellowship,
and Rainbow Family Life Education Association.

Dr. Joseph Kim                Christ’s College Taipei is a very small
                            school. To host such a conference, each
                            faculty and staff member became part of the
                            preparation crew. Hosting this activity, we
                            experienced God’s presence with us; everyone
                            worked together well. This cooperative effort
                            and spirit of love is what characterizes a
                            Christian school – and CCT in particular. It
                            is love for our Lord with all our heart, soul,
                            mind, and strength -- more than methods and
                            materials -- which makes Christian education
                            distinctive and brings God’s blessing.

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