Page 91 - 2021 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 91
Annual Library Assessment Report 2021
7. 您進入圖書館的目的 ? What is your purpose for entering the library? (複選)
進入圖書館的目的 purpose 數量 amount 百分比%
看書/借書 read/borrow books 92 23.71%
找資料 search 88 22.68%
寫作業 write homework 54 13.92%
影印與列印 print/copy 42 10.82%
其他 others 36 9.28%
看報章雜誌 read newspaper/journal 22 5.67%
討論 discuss 20 5.15%
休憩 rest 13 3.35%
上網 internet access 7 1.80%
約會 appointment 4 1.03%
借文具 borrow stationery 4 1.03%
諮詢 seek advice from 3 0.77%
借場地(如拍攝) facilities service 3 0.77%
進入圖書館的目的 Purpose for entering the library
借場地(如拍攝) facilities service 3
諮詢 seek advice from 3
借文具 borrow stationery 4
約會appointment 4
上網 internet access 7
休憩 rest 13
討論 discuss 20
看報章雜誌 read newpaper/journal 22
其他 others 36
影印與列印 print/copy 42
寫作業 write homework 54
找資料 search 88
看書/借書 read/borrow books 92
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100