Page 12 - 2021 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 12
Annual Library Assessment Report 2021
五、圖書資料經費 Budget
Financial planning
Christ’ s College Taipei provides sufficient and consistent financial support to purchase library
and information resources every year.
109 學年圖書館預算占學校預算 5%
110 學年圖書館預算占學校預算 5.23%
Please refer to the table below for percentages of the library budget out of the annual college
budget for the past two school years.
Academic Year Percentage of Library Budget out of the total annual college budget
2019-2020 5%
2020-2021 5.23%
另 外 , 就 台 灣 圖 書 館 設 立 及 營 運 標 準 法 規 (Taiwan Library Establishment & Operation
Standard Regulation)中顯示,大學圖書館購置圖書資訊之經費,以不低於圖書館年度預算
人事費(salaries & student service scholarship)及新建館舍之經費。
本校圖書經費佔比近 5 年,105 年佔 66%,106 年佔 84%,107 年佔 67%,108 年佔 86%,
109 年佔 86%。其中,105 年(2016-2017)擴充圖書館推薦系統、107 年(2018-2019)購置圖書
館 VM 主機。
According to the “Taiwan Library Establishment & Operation Standard Regulation,” a university
library shall designate at least 30% of its annual budget for new book procurement. In addition,
the annual budget of a university library shall cover various expenditures but salaries & student
service scholarship and the cost to construct new buildings. For the past five years (2016 to
2021), the percentages of expenditure for new book procurement were 66%, 84%, 67%, 86% and
86% at Christ’s College Taipei. In the 2016-2017 school year, the library upgraded its book
recommendation system. In the 2018-2019 school year, the library implemented a virtual
machine (VM).