Page 69 - 2020 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 69

Annual Library Assessment Report 2020

7. 您進入圖書館的目的 ? What is your purpose for entering the library? (複選)

進入圖書館的目的 purpose                         數量 amount                 百分比%

1.看書/借書 read/borrow books                    116 25.11%

2.影印/列印 print/ copy                          102 22.08%

3.找資料 search                                 89 19.26%

4.寫作業 write homework                         51 11.04%

5.討論 discuss                                 29 6.28%

6.看報章雜誌 read newspaper/journal               23                    4.98%

7.其他 others                                  18 3.90%

8.借場地(如拍攝) facilities service                12                    2.60%

9.休憩 rest                                    10 2.16%

10.約會 appointment                                          6 1.30%

11.諮詢 seek advice from                                     3 0.65%

12.借文具用品 borrow stationery                                 3       0.65%

13.上網 internet access                                      0 0.00%

進入圖書館的目的 Purpose for entering the library

                  上網 internet access     0
      借文具用品 borrow stationery             3
               諮詢 seek advice from          6
                     約會 appointment           10
                                休憩 rest        12
  借場地(如拍攝) facilities service                       23
                             其他 others                 29

看報章雜誌read newspaper/journal                                   51          89
                           討論 discuss                          60                102
             寫作業 write homework
                         找資料 search                                80 100 120 140

                 影印/列印print/ copy
       看書/借書read/borrow books

                                         0 20 40

   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74