Page 57 - 2020 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 57

Annual Library Assessment Report 2020

4.「TESOL」借閱暢銷排行榜 Ranking of 「TESOL」books checked out

108 上 (2019-2020/1st semester)

編號        題名                               書目索書號                   借閱次數
                                           Call No.                Checked Out
No.       Title                            BBK 00084
      1   Johnny appleseed (Big Book)      SB363 .M36M72 1997                4
      2   I am an apple                    PZ8.3 .L56M21 1989                4
      3   Ten apples up on top             BBK 00132, 00188                  4
      4   The Grouchy ladybug (Big         BBK 00083                         4
          Book)                            PZ8.3 .H97 2000                   3
      5   The big red apple (Big Book)     BBK 00139, 00161                  3
      6   Ten red apples                   PZ7 .L84R28b 1992                 3
      7   Growing vegetable soup (Big      PE1117 .M13M13j 1989              3
          Book)                            SB363 .H14H21 1996                3
      8   Froggy gets dressed              PZ7 .B83B38 1999                  3
      9   What is this?                    FCARD 00020                       3
     10.  The apple pie tree                                                 3
     11.  Grow flower grow                 FCARD 00015
     12.  What is this? - mes small books                                    3
          pocket chart cards (Flash Card)  FCARD 00016
                                           PZ7 .N31P22 1992                  3
13. Mary wore her red dress -              BBK 00101- 00103,00151            3
           pocket cards (Flash Card)       PZ7 .P34 1985                     3
14. Clothing cards mes (Flash              BBK 00025
           Card)                                                             3

15. The dress I'll wear to the party
16. Caps for sale (Big Book)
17. Mary wore her red dress, and

           Henry wore his green sneakers
18. Animals should definitely not

           wear clothing (Big Book)


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