Page 45 - 2017 Annual Library Assessment Report
P. 45
Annual Library Assessment Report 2017
Conclusions and recommendations
一、圖書館館藏:紙本圖書(含裝訂期刊)共計 101,080 冊;報紙 9 種;期刊 137 種;視
聽資料 5,446 件;電子書 7,153 種;電子期刊 22 種;資料庫 9 種。年增圖書 582
冊;裝訂期刊 125 冊;視聽資料 127 件;紙本期刊 10 種。
Library Collection:
Paperback (include bound periodical) 101,080
Newspaper 9
Periodical 137
Audiovisual 5,446
eBooks 7,153
e-periodical 22
Database 9
No. of Books increased since last year 582
No. of Bound Periodicals increased since last year 125
No. of Audiovisual increased since last year 127
No. of Periodicals increased since last year 10
二、圖書借閱 3,112 冊(去年 2,591 冊),學生平均借書率 9.07 冊(去年 8.2 冊),教職員
6.68 冊(去年 6.8 冊),如圖所示。
Total of books checked out is 3,112 vol.(2,591 vol., last year). Average books checked
out by student are 9.07(8.2, last year) and 6.68(6.6, last year) for faculty and staff.
Please refer to the chart below.
12 學生Students
10 教職員Faculty and staff
8 2016 2016.5 2017 2017.5